Kye’s First Baby Food Experience

This whole food thing has been a little tough for me. First it was hard to figure out how to even begin, then it was a tough choice on when to start. Kye is still…

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Baby Food: Some Complicated Junk

“There are a lot of breast-feeding consultants out there, but what I need now is a solid food consultant.” I read that quote and couldn’t help but to TOTALLY agree!!! I left Kye’s dr. appt…

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Kye’s First Playdate!

On Thursday Robyn, who I actually met through this blog, brought her daughter, Lorelai, over for a playdate! I’ve been dying for Kye to get to meet another baby near his age. With him being…

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4 Month Check Up

I hate that we are so off on Kye’s appointments! This Wednesday Kye had his 4 month check-up, even though he’s more like 4 1/2 months. His 6 month check-up he’ll be a week shy…

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Found Those Feet

This week has been some big milestones for Kye!!! He’s now in size 3 diapers, has rolled from his back to his belly, and has found his feet! We were eating lunch together (well, I…

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