Family Picnic

This past weekend Zach, Kye and I headed to Melbourne yet again! My aunt and uncle recently moved their family out to California and we’ve been missing them like crazy so we were pumped to…

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Neela Grace

I’ve been super pumped to meet little Neela for awhile now and it turns out that she’s not-so-little!!! Crissy had a scheduled c-section on July 9th and everything went smoothly! Neela Grace Megow was born…

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Baby’s Temperament

As I mentioned before, I have really enjoyed the book The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems. This is my second of three posts I plan on doing that cover my favorite topics in the…

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4 Months Old!

As Kye enters his 5th month I like to look at where he is in comparision to What To Expect The First Year discusses is the “norm” for a child his age. Kye is on…

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Summary of Month Four

Obviously, I’ve stopped the weekly Kye updates as changes have been less often I feel it can be summed up once a month in one LONG post! So here goes nothing! Here are the changes…

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