Kye’s School Easter Celebration

Kye had a little Easter celebration at school and parents were invited so, of course, I wanted to make sure to be there! It was a CRAZY morning and I ended up bringing Brittlynn along…

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Easter at Church

Every year our church hosts a big egg hunt at member’s home in the area. Unfortunately, it’s always right after church services and we can’t ever go due to nap time conflicts. Sundays are already…

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Family Fun on a Budget!

I know, you’re probably already sick of me talking about how motivated we are to spend smart! But I also hope that our journey to financial freedom can help inspire others to join us! Plus this…

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Stevie’s 5th Birthday Party!

I love that we have been friends with the Megows for so long! I remember years ago when Seth and Crissy were attached at the hip but swore up and down that they were “just…

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Backyard Camping

One of my top priorities as a mom is to give my kids as many experiences as possible. Now that Zach and I are living life on a strict budget I’ve quickly learned that creating…

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