Yay for the BEACH!

ALL Kye wanted to do on our little trip was to eat a picnic on the beach. He was SO pumped about it. He had told all of his class all about going to the…

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Family Morning

Friday Feb 15th was FAMILY DAY! I had high hopes for Friday being an awesome day since Thursday had kinda been a little disappointing with the FREEZING weather and all. Originally when we had planned…

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Vday in PCB Part 2

You can read about Part 1 of our Valentine’s Day celebration here! After naps we went ahead and decided to open our Valentine’s Day presents. Zach had to go back to work that evening and…

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VDay in PCB Part 1

We were all SO excited about Valentine’s Day this year! I had been pretty bummed about the whole trip to Zach’s parents condo not working out in January so we talked about other options for…

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Father Daughter Dance 2013

Last year Zach and Britt skipped out on the Father Daughter Dance (hello, she was like 2 months old haha) but still did a little photo shoot together which you can see here! This year…

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