Half-Way to the Finish Line!

So while in California I hit the 19th week of my pregnancy! It seems like it is FLYING by!!! It’s really hard to believe that I’m about half-way there and I hope the next 4…

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Kirk Cameron is my Hero!

I have always known Kirk Cameron as Mike Seaver from the t.v. show Growing Pains. I wasn’t a HUGE fan of the show because I was a little young for it (I’m more a Saved…

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California Here We Come!

We went to San Diego for Zach’s first Aflac National Convention! It was great because Aflac flew us out of Valdosta so the travel was pretty easy and free so we couldn’t complain about it!…

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Magic Eye Baby

Had our 18 week ultrasound on Monday…I was SO excited since the last ultrasound turned out so great I was sure this one would be even better since the baby is so much bigger and…

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Baby Boom!

It seems like babies and pregnant women are popping up everywhere! I don’t know if it’s just because I’m pregnant so I notice them more or if, even if this crappy economy, people are just…

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