What I’m Lovin’ Wednesday!

I’m not going to lie…this has been a VERY emotional, stressful, scary, difficult week. It’s time like these that I’m thankful for Jaime at This Kind of Love for hosting What I Love Wednesday! I NEED to “find the good” (like I talked about yesterday) and this forces me to do just that 🙂 Thanks Jaime!!!

I’m loving the strength and faith of those around me who are facing sadness right now. Each and every one of them has turned towards the Lord during their pain when so many people would turn away from him. All of these special people in my life are such wonderful examples to me of how we ALL should handle times of crisis. I pray that when I am faced with hardships in life that I can follow the example each of you are leaving for me. Thank you for sharing your stories and for allowing me to be part of the powerful group of prayer! Prayer is so strong and I know it makes a difference. Maybe it can’t change every situation, but it can bring all of those experiencing it the peace and comfort they need. 

I’m loving that tomorrow Kye and I are going to see Cars 2! I don’t particularly love the first one (I’m a Toy Story girl myself) but Kye does and we are going with his best buds (his cousins) so he’s going to be PUMPED!!!!! I haven’t even told him yet for fear that he’ll bug me to death about it 🙂 We plan to go see it multiple times so that Zach will be able to go with us at some point too. Disney is gonna make some dough off us Parkers 😉

I’m loving that we leave Friday for our annual trip to St. Augustine for the 4th! It’s my FAVORITE vacation of the year and right now we need it more than ever! I can’t wait for another yearly picture on a cannon 🙂  

I’m loving that while we relax in our hotel room this weekend during naps that we will get to watch MORE of The Office Season 5! I’m so ready to just cuddle up next to Zach and laugh together. Our Office time is some of my most treasured (that and The Bachelor/Bachelorette shows of course!)

I’m loving that the 4th means another yearly tradition of hanging out with one of our favorite families! We meet up with Katie’s fam at their beach condo every year and I can’t wait to say our reasons we love America and sing American songs! 

I’m loving that Big Brother starts up next week!!! My mom introduced me to it a couple years ago and I’m hooked…I typically get Showtime so I can watch the live After Dark feeds and everything (don’t know if I have the time/energy for that this year, we’ll see!). While I’m excited about this season, NOTHING will compare to the first season I watched! I had just had Kye and would spend all my nursing time watching Jeff and Jordan develop their adorable relationship. Jeff is my total celebrity crush!!! I wish he could become a LEGIT celeb so I could actually see him again haha

I’m loving that Crissy announced her pregnancy yesterday! That’s Baby #4 in under four years! I am excited that one of my bffs and I get to share our pregnancies together and that Blitzen will have a good buddy so close in age (although she’s hoping for a boy while I’m hoping for a girl). Kye LOVES her girls (esp Stevie!) so it’ll be nice that our families will continue to grow together!

I’m loving that Zach and Matt have to work up in Atlanta next week because Robyn and I have an excuse to go up there too! We are going to take the kids to Zoo Atlanta and the Ga Aquarium for their first visits. Being originally from the Atlanta area, I’m more pumped for the zoo. I have so many wonderful memories there (and cute pics on the statue of Willy the gorilla!) that I’m eager to share with Kye. And Zach’s glad I’m not trying to talk him into going 😉 

I’m loving that in a little over a week some of my favorite family members will be coming to visit! They are coming to town to see Mom but it’ll be nice that we will get to visit with them too! We have a LOT to do on the house but if it doesn’t all get done, I don’t mind. After this week I decided to just let it go and not stress about it. I mean they are FAMILY right? It doesn’t have to be perfect!

I’m loving feeling Blitzen move like a wild child! I’ll discuss this more on Friday but OH MY GOODNESS. I feel constant, strong, all over the place movement. So strong that Zach can even feel it and I’m only 16 weeks pregnant. With all my fears this week, maybe this is God’s way of helping remind me how blessed I am and that Blitzen is healthy 🙂 I can’t WAIT to get to see him or her on Tuesday!!!

I’m loving, loving, loving the blessings in my life. So many people right now around me are hurting and it’s hard sometimes to see past all the pain but I keep reminding myself that I need to live for now and not worry for the future. Right now I’m so happy and beyond blessed. I have an AMAZING, hard-working, extremely attractive, spiritual, fun, and loving husband and he has given me such an adorable, smart, crazy, precious, perfect son. I have everything I’ve ever dreamed of in these two loves of my life and I’m so eager to welcome our second blessing to our family. My eyes fill with tears just thinking about how much I love Zach and Kye and I am thankful to God for making them MINE! 🙂


  1. Amber
    June 29, 2011 / 6:46 pm

    How sweet! I love your 4th of July traditions, sound like a blast! 🙂

  2. Megan Ray
    June 29, 2011 / 7:02 pm

    Yay for embracing the positive! I know it's sometimes hard to do, but as we all know, focusing on the negative is just NO good. Girl, I am SO jealous of all your travels! Y'all get to go so many places and have so much fun! Traveling is expensive, but it's the one thing I always wanna save for and make the time to do. I love all the pictures you share with us. Yikes! Congrats to Chrissy, but oh my goodness I could NEVER handle 4 babes in 4 years. Talk about super mom!! And lastly, you probably didn't even notice, but sorry for my absence from your blog. Life has been so busy lately that my blog writing and reading is pretty much non existant these days. Hope y'all have a great time in Atlanta! Oh, and enjoy Cars 2! My daughter went yesterday with my dad and said it was great. She's a HUGE cars fan 🙂

  3. Leah
    June 29, 2011 / 8:12 pm

    I can't wait for Big Brother to start! Enjoy St. Augustine, I love it there!

  4. Miranda McFarland
    June 29, 2011 / 10:36 pm

    So glad you did WILW this week, I can definitely "hear" the positivity in your words and I know you needed that. I saw a commerical for Big Brother and thought, "doesn't Emily like that?" I've never seen it, but thinking about trying it out this season. Hope you enjoy your 4th of July trip!

  5. Paulac223
    June 30, 2011 / 2:05 am

    I LOVE Big Brother, and Jeff and Jordan are some of my favorites!

  6. emilysparker
    July 4, 2011 / 6:03 pm

    i have noticed your absence lately!!!! i've gone through those spurts too and totally understand, i feel MORE stressed being behind in my blogging though than i do just making myself do it to stay current 😉 Traveling is (obviously haah) a top priority for us! I told Zach I'd be willingto live the rest of my life in small town Valdosta but that we HAD to get out often! So far, so good 😉 I LIVE for travel and we do everything on a budget so we can afford lots of small trips a year 🙂

  7. emilysparker
    July 4, 2011 / 6:24 pm

    thank you!!! it was a tough week but i'm feeling much better now and know seeing my baby tomorrow will REALLY help 😉 you MUST watch BB!!! you will LOVE IT!!!!

  8. zparker85
    July 7, 2011 / 1:39 am

    I love these post it even lets me know what u are excited about.

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