Week 14 Summary

I’m still waiting for the week to come when there isn’t something to say! Maybe kids never stop having interesting weeks? It seems like stuff is ALWAYS changing!!! Doesn’t he look so much older? Turns…

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Week Nine Summary

It’s hard to believe my little boy is 10 weeks old! Not a newborn anymore huh? Not that he has looked like a newborn for awhile but still I liked the excuse, “well we just…

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Week Six Summary

I’ve been following the Babywise Blog that I mentioned in an earlier post and something I like that she does is a weekly report on how her baby is doing. I think this is a…

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6 Week Postpartum Check Up

Today was my 6 week postpartum check-up! It was good to see Stacy as I haven’t seen her since my 38 week pregnancy check up! What feels like a MILLION years ago! Zach and Kye…

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5 Week Schedule Change

At five weeks old Babywise recommends moving Kye’s schedule again. It felt like we JUST got the hang of the eating every 3 hour schedule and now I had to move it on the poor…

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