Two Months Old

As mentioned before, I don’t take a lot of stock in the “what your baby should be able to do” things, but I like to review them each month and see how Kye is progressing.…

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Week Eight Summary

I decided not to write about week seven as we were gone for most of it ๐Ÿ™ When we got off the plane in Valdosta I was DYING to run in the door and see…

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Making Contact!

Kye has been enjoying reaching for things for a couple weeks now, but hasn’t really grasped the concept that when he sees something, he reaches, then he can touch it! A lot of the time…

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Mom’s Spring Break Visit

Last week Mom was out of school for Spring Break so of course she wanted to come visit her grand baby! It worked out nicely for me too because it gave me a much needed…

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One Month Old

Kye turned one month old on Saturday! Most people would say “I can’t believe it’s already been a month.” But for Zach and I we can’t believe it’s ONLY been a month! It feels like…

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