A Day at the Hospital

Zach left Wednesday afternoon for Macon (he had to work the evening shift selling Aflac to prison employees) and decided to stay until Thursday night so while having all my pain I also had Kye…

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6 Week Postpartum Check Up

Today was my 6 week postpartum check-up! It was good to see Stacy as I haven’t seen her since my 38 week pregnancy check up! What feels like a MILLION years ago! Zach and Kye…

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Easter Weekend

Mom left on Friday so Zach and I didn’t really know what to do with ourselves for the weekend! We rarely have weekends with no plans so it was kind of strange! Saturday we decided…

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5 Week Schedule Change

At five weeks old Babywise recommends moving Kye’s schedule again. It felt like we JUST got the hang of the eating every 3 hour schedule and now I had to move it on the poor…

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Candler Meets Candler

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we named Candler Kye after the little boy I used to babysit for, Candler Murphey. Even though I haven’t seen “the kids” since about a month after our…

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