Well we tried…

It feels like the last week or so has been overwhelmingly busy for me. Between going to Jacksonville, our episode at Walmart, and working our butts off to complete the whole “to do before baby…

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Finishing the “To Do List”

As I mentioned before, Zach and I are toying with the idea of trying a few tricks this coming week to see if any of them work and put me into labor. Before we even…

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First “Internal” Exam

This morning I had my first weekly exam. After the interesting stuff I went through on Monday after Walmart, I was pretty curious to see what Stacy would say! Since Monday night I have still…

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Gotta love the every two week check-ups

Zach and I both agree that it’s so dumb that they have me come in every two weeks now! We wait forever then get in the room, hear the heartbeat, and Stacey asks if we…

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