Baby Led Weaning Update

I know MANY of you have been enjoying the benefits of Baby-Led Weaning with your own babies and I’ve been asked many times for an update on how Baby-Led Weaning has been going for Britt.…

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Britt 14 Months Old!

Brittlynn turned 14 months old on Feb 6th! Here is where she’s at compared to other toddlers her age according to What to Expect the Toddler Years!   This month I used random cute pictures…

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Britt’s 1st (unplanned) Dentist Visit

While we rarely deal with sickness in our home…we deal with super random stuff all the time! I’ve said it since Britt was very young: she’s our wild child. And she is. Very wild! Now that…

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Britt Summary of Month 14

Britt’s 14th month of life was from Jan 6th through Feb 5th (and yes, just like that I’m caught back up to where I’m typically at! 1 month behind to the day!)   This was…

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24 Day Challenge Results!

I know…I’ve been owing yall this post for awhile! My hold up has been the new computer. I like to show and side by side of my before and after pics and with the Mac…

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