Officially Full Term

When I walked into the dr. yesterday the first thing Stacy said to me was. “as of tomorrow you’re full term!” I hadn’t even realized that! Isn’t that amazing to think that is Clover came…

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Starting Weekly Check-Ups

This morning started the first of my weekly check-ups with Stacy. It’s getting THAT close now! They weighed me and now my scale and home and the one at the doctors agree…I’ve gained 31 pounds…

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Clover’s last shower!

Sunday was my last baby shower! Kind of sad that they are all over. Since you really only get one or two small showers for the babies after the first one, this was the last…

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Much Needed Girl Time!

Danielle, Chelsi and I have known each other since pretty much forever! I am pretty sure Danielle and I met in 5th grade? And Chelsi I think was 7th grade! While we’ve known each other…

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33 days!!!

My lucky number is 33 so when I noticed we have 33 days left until Clover’s due date I had to get a little excited!!!! It’s getting sooooo close! I can’t wait to be a…

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