
I would say that this face accurately portrays my current emotional state: Am I crying? No. I’m not crying at all. In fact I haven’t shed a tear except for that little hour span of…

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Officially Have Tried It ALL!

Yesterday I totally had a case of the pre-baby blues…if there is such a thing. I just felt so discouraged and frustrated and upset with the world! I have NOTHING to do to occupy my…

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38 Weeks…Still Pregnant!

Today I have officially been pregnant for 38 weeks! I know I shouldn’t be complaining about still being pregnant as most first timers go late so I’ll try to keep this as positive as possible!…

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A little progress!

I had such a nice relaxing day yesterday and decided to continue the trend and go to bed early. I took 2 more primrose oil capsule things then we did the acupressure again and I…

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Well we tried…

It feels like the last week or so has been overwhelmingly busy for me. Between going to Jacksonville, our episode at Walmart, and working our butts off to complete the whole “to do before baby…

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