Almost Awful

After a long night dealing with Walmart, I was so thankful to get some sleep. Zach got up and left around 6ish and I went to the bathroom then went back to bed. I decided…

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Walmart Nightmare

I know everyone experiences nesting in different ways. I think all pregnant women , or formerly pregnant women, would agree with me that we all get the itch to SHOP. I want to buy buy…

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Nesting Nesting Nesting

Zach’s dreams have finally come true…I am totally, completely, seriously nesting. I’ve been feeling the itch since last week but didn’t start because I just had this feeling that once I got going I’d have…

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Love Letter

I think we all are guilty of this: we brag about those we love to everyone but don’t tell the actual person all the good things we say about them! Zach has always been great…

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A Rewarding Valentine’s Day!

Zach and I were a little rebellious for Valentine’s Day! Since I am past my 34 week mark (pretty well past it actually) I’m not supposed to be traveling far from home…wellll we went to…

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