The Joys of a Baby Boy

As we all know, I was 90% positive that my little “Clover” was a girl. And most of you (although now, after the fact, sooo many people feel the need to say “I totally thought…

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My Breastfeeding Story

Zach and I took the available classes and I read several books on the subject so we felt pretty prepared. Well, even preparation doesn’t prepare you for the reality! My problem with breastfeeding really is…

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A Great Visit

As I mentioned in an earlier post, it’s been a looong time since I’ve seen my dad. I was so happy that he wanted to come visit me and meet his first grandson! Monday morning…

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First Weekend as a Family

The day and time that Kye came into the world couldn’t have been more perfect! He was born at 6:55 so that allowed everyone we wanted to be there to be there since they weren’t…

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What To Pack For Hospital

I waaay waaay waaaaaaay over-packed for the hospital. We did this because I hate hospitals, we wanted to have entertainment in case I had a slow, long labor while in the hospital, and I didn’t…

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