Spear’s 2nd Birthday Slideshow

Spear’s 2nd Birthday Slideshow

When Spear turned one I was ALL ABOUT IT.

No tears here! I’m DONE with babies and I’m HAPPY.

Now he’s two and I am having all the feels about him growing up. About not having another.

It flies by in such a big way and I wasn’t prepared for the emotions I’d have about his birthday this year!

Yesterday he turned two and we were at Disney so I wanted to just ENJOY HIM and his day and not worry about posting his slideshow until we were heading home.

I love putting these together for my babies each year and it’s so neat to see how much they grow and change over the course of 365 days!

I love my TWO YEAR OLD!

Here is his 2nd birthday slideshow:

You can look back at his first birthday slideshow here 🙂

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