2 Day Hospital Visit

During our hospital stay I was pretty nervous about the amount of weight Tess would lose. She had SO MUCH poop as well as a lot of fluid so I knew both could affect her…

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First 48 Session

I have SO many people comment about how I have a photographer in the delivery room for my babies. I know it’s not a super common practice and isn’t something that many (most?) women would…

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Hospital Stay {Day 3}

Robyn and I got up pretty early and started getting ready for the day. I felt a lot more rested and ready for our last day at the hospital!  The nursery nurse came in and…

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Tess Hospital Stay {Day 2}

On Tess’s second day of life it was her due date! I couldn’t believe I had my baby in my arms instead of in my belly. I had been so nervous about going past my…

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Hospital Visitors {Day 2}

Even though I didn’t get much sleep that first night in the hospital, I still wanted to get up and get ready for the day. I remember with past babies that it was tough to…

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