Britt Summary of Month 19

Britt lived her 19th month of life (she was 18 months old) from June 6 through July 5th. It was SUCH a wonderful month having both of my babies at home with me all day!!!…

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Kye Monthly Summary: May

I guess I’ve been slacking the last couple of months taking random pictures b/c I don’t have many for this monthly post either! We’ve been doing SO much that we aren’t at home to be…

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Kye Monthly Summary – April

The month of April was another crazy one for us. Thankfully life got SO. MUCH. BETTER in May πŸ™‚ During the month of April I had my foot surgery, we were in the scary “unknown”…

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Kye Monthly Summary – January

While I may be decently behind in the blogging…I sure did sum up Jan in just a couple of posts! πŸ™‚ It’s getting there! Here is everything sweet Kye had going on during Jan! Dentist: Kye…

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Kye Monthly Summary – December

December was a BUSY month…as you can tell by the fact that it’s taken me SO long to get through it all πŸ™‚ With a busy month I tend to have less to post in…

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