ohhhh nooooo

So I was just checking my facebook and scratching the side of my stomach when I felt something wrong…and so I looked down and I don’t believe it…I really don’t….STRETCH MARKS!!!! I’m a HUGE HUGE…

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Busy Weekend in Atlanta

Back when we found out Zach won the Triple Crown Aflac trip to Atlanta we thought we wouldn’t bother going since we have been to Atlanta a million times and did not want to have…

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Indulging in a Craving = a Bigger Baby Belly!

I know I have blogged before about my main pregnancy cravings and the number one item on that list has ALWAYS been Choco Tacos. I first wanted one when Zach and I were in Asheville,…

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Lots of Unknowns

Supposedly any day now I should be able to feel kicking! But I am clueless as to what that kicking will feel like. Everything I read says it will be similar to little gas bubbles…

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16 week dr. appt

Went to the doctor this morning just to hear the heartbeat and have a general check-up! I still weigh less than I did at my first pregnant dr appointment! I guess I was super bloated…

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