Recapping our February!

Pre-covid Zach would travel for work often enough where the kids and I had a solid routine down and that usually included Zaxby’s for dinner on any Wednesday Zach was gone because it’s kids night. Now that Zach is back to traveling a bit we had our first back-to-solo-mom-night Zaxby’s night!
It was extra fun because we ran into Casey’s crew who were getting their pre-church family night dinner rolling too 🙂
It was a HUGE month for Kye! He officially made the archery team for both 3-D and bullseye! Britt even got to help work concessions as his first team tournament (she earned community service time for Jr Beta).
And this was the first year that things weren’t all virtual with competitions so it meant we got to travel! Mrs Charlotte was so sweet and wanted to go with me to Columbus, Georgia to watch Kye compete. We had a fun travel day (and it was a great opportunity to fill her in on some of Zach’s health stuff that was going on at the time) and loved getting to be part of the action!
This was my first true “sports mom” kinda experience and it was a lot more fun than I’d ever anticipated plus there is just something special about being there when your child looks up and meets your eyes. It was also neat because Columbus is where Aflac headquarters is located so we actually got to see several Aflac friends from over the years!
I was super proud of Kye and his team did AWESOME! I even got him his first coffee as a treat 😉 He rode with the team there and back so Mrs Charlotte and I went to dinner with some of the fam (whose grandson also is on the archery team with Kye) and it was wonderful catching up!
LOVE that Kye is getting to have these TEAM experiences!
Another HUGE HUGE moment for Kye this month was when he won for the region with his FBLA speech. He was asked to present at the state level in Athens, GA. He was one of only two kids in the region who were invited. I was SO NERVOUS all day long and it was so sweet of the FBLA coach to facetime me so I could hear the news from him…HE WON!!! But not in speech haha I didn’t even KNOW that he was also competing in video game design so I was super shocked when he told me he came in 3rd in the state for speech and FIRST in the state for video game design!
SO proud of Kye! I love how well rounded he is in so many areas and that he uses his talents!
When I was growing up my mom would surprise us with a banner over the garage for special moments so the girls and I made a sign for Kye to welcome him home!
Kye is at the age where he’s getting BUSY with events and activities! He and Zach went to Tallahassee for the FSU basketball game and he also went to YES Weekend at a local church with our church fam as well as the cousins!
Britt, as previously mentioned, was inducted as a member of the National Jr Beta Club! She is precious and SO PROUD of the achievement and wore her pin with pride 🙂
Elizabeth invited Britt to have a girls day for her bday celebration and Britt felt so special and honored. They got their nails done and had coffee and walked around the mall and did some shopping. Britt was so sweet and came home with all sorts of goodies but spent most of her spending money on a gift for Tessie.
Britt has just now reached the age where she’s getting pickier about her outfit choices and wants to pick out her own clothes (Tess, however, has been very independent with her clothing choices for years already!). I love that the comfortable, baggy look is in, she even is able to wear some of my clothes (like my FSU hoodie from my freshman year of college). She is also getting really good at braiding hair!
I had a really deep therapy session this month and just needed to make sure to really pour into Britt. She’s my first daughter which is so special and I made sure to tell her how easy she is to love 🙂
While Britt was on her outing with Elizabeth (which fell on the same day that Kye was at YES Weekend) Zach and I got a day with the littles! We never have opportunities for BOTH Zach and I to be together with JUST Tess and Spear so we focused on things they’d enjoy. We did chalk and road the golf cart to the park for lunch and time on the playground. They soaked up all the special attention 🙂
Tess made and entire chalk city in the driveway and we cleaned out the garage and found beach balls from Tess’s FIRST bday party that were STILL inflated!
Tess had her first admirer around V-Day when she discovered a bag of goodies on our doorstep. The boy is new at her school and she helped show him around and was kind to him which makes me SO PROUD! She also made a super cute space themed VDay box! Tess was also learning about the Titanic this month which worked out perfectly with our Titanic visit!
Anytime we have an archery tournament Tess has a bag full of things she “needs” to bring with us! On Spring picture day Tess asked Britt to braid her hair for her. Sweet sisters!
Zach and I have been helping with the youth at church and for VDay decided to do a girl’s outing with moms + daughters for lunch followed by rollerskating. My girls have never been rollerskating before and the teen girls were SO SWEET in asking if I’d bring them along! They were PUMPED!!!!
Until we got there and they actually got skates on and saw how hard skating actually is haha. They used the walkers and then the other girls offered to help them which was so sweet.
Britt eventually swapped to rollerblades and enjoyed those MUCH better! Britt even wants a pair for Christmas now because she enjoyed it so much. Britt def enjoys a challenge and Tess enjoys a playground 😉
I love that our girls ALWAYS want to be together! I feel like every monthly update I have to do a separate “Britt and Tess” section. They are still sleeping together most nights and even like to coordinate their outfits for school.
We celebrated TWOsday (2/22/22) with the girls dressing like twins and having tacos! The girls love sitting with friends at church and we are blessed to have so many great examples for them to look up to. They had some fun with Daddy when Gmama and I were at Kye’s tournament at the land and making smores by the fire!
Tess has so much patience for Spear and just thinks everything he does is adorable. I love watching all of my kids interact and Tess is very typical third child as she knows how to connect with each of her siblings where they each probably consider her their closest sibling!
We took Spear to get his passport this month. We don’t have any international plans but he was the only kid without one so we thought it’d be smart to just HAVE it! He NEVER looks at the camera for me and smiles but man that passport guy had him under a spell!
I’ve never been super huge on timeout as a discipline tool but man it works SO WELL for Spear. He cannot STAND having to sit in one spot and miss out on anything! I love my snuggly (always DIRTY!) boy and we even read one of my fav childhood books together 🙂
Spear always takes his pillowcase off so we stopped putting it back on for him. He also is allowed to have books in the bed during naptime which works well and has also resulted in him falling asleep more often!
I love our Sams Jams and Target runs and he does so well putting toys back and being satisfied with a free sticker. He also LOVES anytime he gets to see Cam at school!
We upgraded his bed from a bed tent to just an actual tent – works just as well. He really loves it and enjoys feeling snug and “safe” in the confines of the tent.
Spear is such a quick learner and just loves to HELP especially when it comes to fixing things. We had to get a new garbage disposal and he was all about helping Daddy fix it! Just like he loved helping change the oil in the golf cart too!
We had our first porch picnic of 2022 and Zach cleaned Big Daddy’s knife. Lily loved the outdoor/indoor life, the kids and Zach spent a lot of time at our land, and in their study room! Zach and I also had a little lunch date at home together.
I had a LOT of friend time this month which did my heart so good! I went to get my nails done and out to lunch with Summer, Lindsay and Kami. The four of us also got together to celebrate Lindsay’s birthday and then again to celebrate Summer’s birthday. We also got together as a larger group to play Canasta! And I had book club and we went to see Licorice Pizza.
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024