Our First Year of Homeschool in Review

It’s hard to believe an entire school year has already gone by! We made the big announcement on the first day of school that both Kye and Britt would be homeschooling this school year. That…

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Parker Family School Transition to Homeschool

*Yes, I’m TERRIBLY behind on blogging – this post is written present-day August 2023* I am an information gatherer. A slow processor. The type of person who over-thinks. Considers all options. Researches. Asks advice. Tries…

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Adjusting to Kindergarten: Help Your Child Make the Big School Leap

Even if your child had an experience with some sort of preschool program, there is just a big shift adjusting to kindergarten from preschool. Some kids jump right in! First day! New school! New Friends!…

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Benefits of Riding the School Bus: 8 Reasons to Ride the Bus

Around back-to-school time, you tend to see a lot of opinions circulating about school buses. And while bringing up the disadvantages of riding the school bus is totally understandable, what about the benefits of riding…

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Learning Basic Coding Concepts with Legos

What kid doesn’t love legos? Have you ever considered the benefits of learning basic coding concepts using legos that you already have around the house? Me either! Super thankful to Kim from Team Cartwright for…

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