Kye’s School Summary: Fall 2019

Kye’s School Summary: Fall 2019 Kye didn’t love fourth grade and I’m SO happy that he’s really loving 5th grade so far. He has a fabulous team of teachers and a great blend of fellow…

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Back to School 2019

Back to School – 2019 This was a BIG YEAR in the Parker household with back to school time! It’s the ONLY year EVER that Kye, Britt and Tess will all be at the same…

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Tess’s School Summary: Spring 2019

Tess’s School Summary: Spring 2019 It’s c-razy that my sweet little Tessie is heading off to KINDERGARTEN!!! I’m. Not. Ready. It was a sad second half of the school year with Tess with knowing that…

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Last Days of School 2019

Last Days of School 2019. This year was, well, just a school year. Nothing crazy special. Not horrible, but not amazing either. It was just a year ha! Which is funny because when I look…

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Tess School Work: Fall 2018

Tess has done so awesome this year with school. She went from going three days a week last year to going five days a week this year. She is still attending half a day but…

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