Movin’ to Roomtime

Since my Babywise days I’ve been a big believer in independent playtime. While I don’t feel like I structure Kye’s awake time enough, independent playtime is something I’ve stuck very religiously too and I already…

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Free Playtime: Babywise Style

Babywise II talks about the importance of free playtime for your baby. It isn’t a time when you allow the baby to cruise around the house doing whatever they want but it’s times when the…

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Babywise: Anyone Can Do It!

I have been very blessed to be able to stay home with Kye. This has made it much easier for me to create a schedule for him and keep him on that schedule throughout his…

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Time Change with a Babywise Baby

I read the Babywise Blog allll the time and I read all her little tips about the upcoming time change. I figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. We’d hold Kye off from…

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Waking Up Happy

People typically know Babywise as a program to get babies to sleep through the night. I hope that through my blog that people (well the few that read this anyway!) now know that Babywise is…

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