Finishing the “To Do List”

As I mentioned before, Zach and I are toying with the idea of trying a few tricks this coming week to see if any of them work and put me into labor. Before we even…

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14 Must Haves During Pregnancy

I think I am far enough along in my pregnancy to dish out some advice. These are all the things I found (and am still finding) essential to surviving the 9 months of carrying a…

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First “Internal” Exam

This morning I had my first weekly exam. After the interesting stuff I went through on Monday after Walmart, I was pretty curious to see what Stacy would say! Since Monday night I have still…

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Almost Awful

After a long night dealing with Walmart, I was so thankful to get some sleep. Zach got up and left around 6ish and I went to the bathroom then went back to bed. I decided…

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Walmart Nightmare

I know everyone experiences nesting in different ways. I think all pregnant women , or formerly pregnant women, would agree with me that we all get the itch to SHOP. I want to buy buy…

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