Spear is 18 Months Old

Spear turned 18 months old on June 1st. I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years to compare his milestones and development.

Total bad-mom moment but I dropped the ball and didn’t get any special pictures or anything – we do have his official 18-month photos scheduled in early July 🙂

toddler boy at a tumble group. text reads: milestones and development what to expect 18 month old toddler

At 18 Months Old Spear is doing all the things a toddler his age should be able to do including:

  • use 3 words
  • point to a desired object

I have talked a lot about my concerns regarding Spear’s speech but this makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER.

At his speech evaluation they said they like to see 13 words by 18 months old. Three makes me breathe much easier 😉

He says “bible”, “ugh-oh” and “bye-bye.”

18 month old boy

At 18 months Spear is doing two of the things that a toddler his age will probably be able to do including:

  • use a spoon/fork but not exclusively
  • point to 1 body part when asked

He is not yet able to run

toddler boy in pool

He isn’t quite doing either of the things an 18 month old may possibly be able to do including:

  • kick a ball forward
  • follow a 2-step command without gestures
boy at ymca Friday frolic

Spear is also not doing either of the things a toddler his age may even be able to do including:

  • identify 1 picture by naming
  • use 50+ single words
boy at ymca Friday frolic

I feel MUCH better about things after reading this chapter. I don’t lose sleep over it. I don’t stress. But I naturally have a bit of worrying and it’s such a peace of mind to be reminded that he’s just a bit of a late bloomer!

He’s my sweet, happy, healthy boy and I’m blessed to call him mine!

boy at ymca Friday frolic

Compare to Siblings Here:


  1. Amaka
    December 10, 2021 / 9:52 am

    Thank God that I found your blog! I wasn’t looking for it but just scrolling through this post put my mind at ease. I haven’t been stressing over my 18 month old’s speech or development, but there’s comfort in seeing other “late bloomer” boys out there! Spear (great name!) is adorable and his health, happiness and joy that he brings is much more important. Great job, mom, and great post!

    • December 10, 2021 / 11:47 am

      Aw thank you! I am so happy that our experience has been helpful for you!!! And thanks on the name too, you wouldn’t believe some of the negative comments I get about it 😉

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