Thanksgiving 2012 {Part 1}

When there are life changes we have choices of how we respond. We can be upset and resist the change or we can keep moving forward and adapt. I try my best to adapt and…

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Traditions when Daddy Travels

When I used to babysit I remember things would be different when Daddy was out of town. Different families did different things. Some moms took their kids and all stayed with someone, some had their…

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Travel With Two

Zach and I mastered traveling with Kye pretty quickly. We learned little tricks to make life easier while not at home so it wasn’t too difficult to transition into traveling with two kids. Prior to…

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Dealing With a Tongue Tied Infant

Dealing with a Tongue Tied Infant When Brittlynn was born we started off with a wonderful nursing relationship! She nursed for over 40 minutes in the delivery room alone! Over the next few days, we…

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Brittlynn’s Birth Story {By Mommy}

Brittlynn’s Birth Story {By Mommy} Warning: This post will be long and detailed. I like to be upfront and honest about things, even if they may make some people uncomfortable. Do not read any further…

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