Tess’s 4th Birthday Letter {From Mommy}

Dear Tessie, Hello Four! Three has been SO MUCH FUN with you and I know that the year of four will only bring more adventures, more dance parties, and lots more snuggles our way together.…

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Tess’s 4th Birthday Letter {From Daddy}

Tess, Happy Birthday!!! Its official you are four years old. I am so proud to be your Dad. I know you will probably hear this a thousand of time in your life, but you are…

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Kye’s 9th Birthday Letter {From Daddy}

Kye, You are officially nine years old. You are only a few years away from being a pre-teen. I am not sure if I am completely ready for that.  Having Spear around has brought back…

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Kye’s 9th Birthday Letter {From Mommy}

My Sweet Kye, Woah. I cannot believe YOU ARE NINE. Nine is the first age I have truly significant memories from my own childhood and it’s so mind-blowing to me that my child is now that…

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Britt’s 6th Birthday Letter {From Daddy}

Zach writes a letter to each of our kids on their birthdays 🙂 Here’s his letter to Britt! Britt,      It is hard to believe you are only 6 years old. It seems like…

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