Summary of Month 9

It’s been a BUSY month for Mr. Kye!!! Crib: One afternoon Zach and I were eating lunch or something and we heard Kye bust out laughing on the monitor. We had to go in there…

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Nurturing a Healthy Appetite

I’ve blogged about my issues with the confusion of solid foods before and how I was never going to make my own baby food. Well I’m sort of a hypocrite! While I haven’t made actual…

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First Veges in Photos

Kye is such a big boy now eating solids in his high chair! We have a nice little routine (shocker) where he nurses, we cuddle (if he’s in the mood…), then I put him in…

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4 Month Check Up

I hate that we are so off on Kye’s appointments! This Wednesday Kye had his 4 month check-up, even though he’s more like 4 1/2 months. His 6 month check-up he’ll be a week shy…

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