
Here’s the latest progress on the house! Everyday a little more gets done so it’s even closer to being completed when you read this than these pictures reflect ๐Ÿ™‚

making it official on Nov 6th


 side view

 showing walkway to driveway (I didn’t have the walkway go to the street b/c I want people to use our front door and not to think they can come in through the garage!)

 back porch

 our pecan tree ๐Ÿ™‚


 I love the tile colors

 entryway from garage (dog crate storage!)

taken on Dec 15th

 laundry room

 breakfast nook (center light thing is broken but will be replaced)

 KITCHEN! (kitchen light looks AMAZING now that it’s complete but here it wasn’t all together yet)

 view from other entrance to kitchen


 looking up from living room

 looking up from living room (cleaning those fans will be funnnn huh? and the fireplace stone now goes all the way up to the mantle instead of ending like it does here)

 pantry under the stairs

 dining room, I LOVE the dark wood floors

 downstairs hallway

 nursery (light cover on fan is being replaced!)

you can also see the front porch light

 downstairs bathroom

 Kye’s room

 our room, love the fan ๐Ÿ™‚

 our bathroom…check out the tile around the tub! (the lighting above the mirrors will match the lighting in the kitchen, but it won’t be in until Feb so what you see is temporary)

 view from upstairs balcony

 looking down into living room

 upstairs bathroom (do you like the custom mirrors I got made?)

 temporary playroom

 guest room

 Zach’s office

 exterior colors!!!

We saw a house on one of those HGTV shows and just LOVED it. It was a dark gray color with white trim and dark gray shutters and garage door, so we’re doing the same thing. We are still waiting on the shutters (the wrong ones were ordered) but garage door is up just don’t have a picture of it and it’s not painted yet. I LOVE the colors!!! We picked the door color because I don’t like red doors (kinda country for my style) and we really wanted something beachy but yet also fresh and modern and I think it’s perfect!

close up of porch (the top dormers are now painted)

While WE love the blue door…I guess not everyone agrees. I actually got an email from our homeowners association telling us we needed to change it! Can you believe that?!?! It really hurt my feelings because obviously someone must think it’s tacky enough to complain about you know? We are working it out with them and will hopefully be able to keep our door color the way it is because we both love it and hate the idea of changing it. Do you guys like it too? Or do we just have crazy taste???

Looking good huh?!?! Couple more days until Christmas…do you think it’ll be done? Will Santa pull off a Christmas miracle for us???

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