Introducing Candler Kye!

After finishing up breastfeeding Zach went out to get everyone. Originally we had planned on only have our immediate family in the room then having the rest of the people come in after we announced…

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Kye’s Birth Story {By Mommy}

Warning: this will be a VERY long entry! I apologize for that but I am keeping this blog for myself more than anyone else so I want to be able to remember every detail from…

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Photo Journal of Natural Childbirth!

I know, I know…I owe you guys 1) some pics of this baby and 2) a nice long, descriptive, honest review of labor! I myself have JUST had the chance to sit down and look…

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Where Is Stacy???

So after blogging, Zach walked in and I busted out crying. We decided to break the rules and go to Jacksonville for the weekend…I mean it’s only an hour and a half away! After he…

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One Day Shy Of 39 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks pregnant! I usually don’t take pictures of my tummy every week but this week you can really tell a difference. If you compare these to the ones taken last…

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