Father’s Day 2016

Every year for Father’s Day we celebrate the day prior and we go on a family golf outing. Zach had back surgery in mid-May and there was just no way his back was recovered enough to play legit golf. We talked it over and decided to postpone our family golf fun for awhile and instead do the next best thing to actual golf: play putt putt 🙂

We kicked of Zach’s celebration day by opening gifts! 

(Britt is obsessed with the jersey for our new baby haha)

Sweet note from Kye with a trophy Kye made him 🙂

Britt LOVES gift giving which is so precious. We went to Target and the kids each picked out something for Zach. Kye said he wanted to get him a movie so I picked one since Kye’s taste in movies and Daddy’s taste in movies may differ some 😉 (“Kye” got him American Sniper). Britt wanted to get him a plain gray t-shirt so we searched and found a matching bathing suit to go with it. Check out that proud smile as Britt watches him open!

We also put together a candy basket for Daddy. The big kids and I loaded UP on candy and then figured out cute phrases to go along with each one. It’d probably be easier to think up the sayings first and then buy the candy but we made it work 🙂 You can see all the phrases we came up with here!

When I was brainstorming ideas for the candy phrases Kye was “helping” and was being so funny but also was making it hard for me to concentrate. Finally I told him he could have all the airheads and write up whatever saying he wanted with them. He came up with “You are not a airhead” and made them into the shape of a frame 😉

Several months prior to Father’s Day Zach mentioned that his golf bag was on the outs. I was all proud of myself for remembering that and for finding an awesome deal on a new top rated bag for him. THEN I was so bummed when the order got canceled right before Father’s Day. I freaked out and searched again and found another bag that was also top-rated and a decent deal. Whew. But THEN Zach mentioned how he HAD an extra bag in the attic that he won from Aflac once. Ugh. Gift ruined! I kept the bag for his birthday (which made more sense with his back anyway) and instead scrambled to come up with a second gift idea…

I booked him his own “spa day” while we would be in St Augustine! I thought it was random but he LOVED IT and said he’d secretly been hoping I’d get him a massage for Father’s Day. Um. Glad the golf bag thing didn’t work out haha

Daddy picked our spot for breakfast and wanted Waffle House!

We have passes for Wild Adventures so it made sense to go play putt-putt there. I called and looked online and asked the people at the parking lot and asked the people at the gate and got told a different opening time for the putt-putt from each of them. Most said “at park opening” but some said slightly later (like park opens at 10, putt putt at 1030). We got there at 10 and headed straight for putt putt and SHOCKER they were closed. NO ONE was even in the area. I was SO frustrated. We called people over and, again, each one said something different. I started to lose my patience b/c my poor husband had dang BACK SURGERY can’t he at least do a little putt putt with his kids?!?! I got pretty firm about it b/c we have passes AND checked every available resource with the times and it should have dang been open! FINALLY someone came and let us in! 


I ADORE that smile!!!

Tess may be a future golfer b/c she legit has the biggest grin every time she hits the ball!

I was VERY proud of everyone. Zach didn’t push himself with his back. Kye had a GREAT attitude throughout the whole game and played great. Britt took it SO SERIOUSLY and when we took a quick potty break she came back and did all the holes she missed and played the entire 18! And Tess paid attention for a good bit of it and there weren’t other people around so when she wanted to run around it wasn’t an issue. I’m so glad I pushed for them to open it for us as it was worth it!

Finding big leaves was so fun haha

We spent a little time as a family at the park. I wanted Zach to get to enjoy Tess some as he hasn’t really seen her at Wild Adventures. The big kids wanted to ride the Dizzy Dragons solo so Daddy took Tess on the “horsies”

After we had a little family time, Zach and Kye grabbed their lunch from the car and then headed back to the park to do some more “man stuff.” The girls and I headed out to get back to eat lunch and have naps! 

They had a blast!

That afternoon we went to see Finding Dory as a family! It was a great Father’s Day celebration treat. The big kids had been saving their chore money for a long time and used it to purchase their tickets as well as their treats. Kye was so funny b/c he busted out the big bucks and bought an icee! I got a deal at Target when I bought sunscreen and it was a coupon for a free ticket for myself so the only ticket we actually paid for was Zach’s 😉 

For Tess’s first movie it went really well. She loved keeping her hand in the popcorn bucket just to FEEL the popcorn (not actually eating it). The movie was super cute but did drag on a bit and she got antsy towards the end. I took her out and missed the ending so I’m eager to get to see it again!!!

When we got out she was over it so this is the pic we got haha

It was DOWNPOUR outside the theater. Like SUPER bad storm. Tess was a HOT MESS of tears and sobbing and I just hadn’t ever seen her like that before. I couldn’t calm her or figure out what was wrong. When we got home I discovered her shoe was in a weird position and I think maybe she’d been in pain. Oops. Mom fail. I felt so bad that she had been so upset and didn’t let on what was wrong! Thankfully she’s the third kid so I wasn’t too embarrassed at her tantrum while waiting with a million other people for Zach to get our car. 

So thankful for these two! Totally saints during the craziness!!!

All smiles once we got home 🙂

For Father’s Day I made Zach an ammmmazing ice cream cake with all of his favorites: chocolate, mint choc chip, mint oreos and a ton of sprinkles!

The day of Father’s Day Zach enjoys visiting his childhood church (where his family still attends) then just going to his parent’s house for lunch and hanging out. It’s pretty much our go-to every year as Mr. Rusty loves it too!

Tess is allll about picture taking when you’re taking pics of someone else haha

Too much cuteness with these two!!!

I love love love this picture! 4 generations of Parker men!

During lunch we told everyone our adoption news 🙂 We had a great time visiting and spending quality time together! 

Zach had a great weekend and I hope he felt as loved, valued and appreciated as he is! 

One of my favorite moments in life has been seeing your face when you see our children for the first time. It’s a look of pure, instant, unconditional love. Our children are so blessed to have you as their father! They will never have to question your commitment to our family and will always know their daddy is proud of them ❤️ Happy Father’s Day – we love you! ‪#‎daddyistheman‬


Emily Parker

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