Father Daughter Night

Every year our town has an event around Valentine’s Day called the Father Daughter Dance. Dad’s and their daughters dress up and go out for the night. I LOVE this idea! It’s a great opportunity for men to spend quality time with their daughters. I think it’s harder for a daddy to be close to his little girl when they don’t have much in common. Boys can help Daddy in the yard, they can play catch, they can wrestle. Girly things are a little tougher for a dad to relate to…just as boy things are tougher for a mom (at least in my own personal experience!). Not only is a great excuse for one on one time, it also teaches a girl how a man should treat her. It’s a night where girls can see their dads in a new light and a way for father’s to show their daughters that they deserve love and respect and that they should expect those qualities in a future spouse. 

When Brittlynn was born I thought Zach wouldn’t be interested in the Father Daughter Dance. His dad never went with his sisters growing up and I could picture Zach saying it was lame. This man of mine always surprises me in the best ways though! Zach agrees with me that it’s a great tradition and would have taken Brittlynn this year!!! Unfortunately, it fell on a super busy weekend when Zach was out of town late one of the nights for work and I had my beloved kids sale the other night. It just didn’t work out this year, but I still wanted to start the tradition. Originally we planned for Zach and Brittlynn to have a “date night” out somewhere but that kinda seemed silly. Why go out just to sit there and feed her a bottle then come back home?

So for this year they just dressed up and got some pictures together…next year they will start actually going to the dance or if the dance doesn’t work out again they will go on a legit night out at least!

Trying to get Britt to smile 🙂

This face is awesome

Our little sweetness!

I’m thankful that Zach sees the importance in this tradition and I’m glad we started it this year even if it was only a 10 min long photo session together. Hey it’s a start!!!

Emily Parker


  1. Laura Drewry
    March 12, 2012 / 6:18 pm

    Britt is just PRECIOUS!!!! I know you are having so much fun with a little girl!! 😉

  2. Kim Harner
    March 13, 2012 / 5:17 pm

    I L.O.V.E. IT!!! <3

  3. KyAnn C
    March 13, 2012 / 5:25 pm

    Aww how cute! What a great tradition! 🙂

  4. Rachael_Copponex
    March 16, 2012 / 2:18 am

    I love the picture right after the black and white one 🙂

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