Easter 2014

Easter this year was so late. I mean the last weekend in April?!?! Even crazier is that when I saw it was so late in the year I said “well at least you KNOW it’ll be warm for Easter this year!” Sometimes it can be down right COLD on Easter and other times it’ll be like 100 degrees…which makes it tough to plan outfits 😉 I totally jinxed myself by saying that because it ended up actually being rainy and chilly on Easter, even with it being so much later in the year than normal!

The day prior to Easter I had my shower at Casey’s house so we had a chill afternoon. We decided to make a super awesome mega tent in the living room and watch a movie as a family together and then Zach cooked us a yummy dinner 🙂

We don’t often watch an entire movie as a family. Usually the kids get video time and it’s typically for only 20-30 min while I’m prepping lunch or dinner or something. Since we were all watching together we decided to watch something neither Zach or I had ever seen…Song of the South! I know it’s a “banned” Disney movie but I found it online and got it for Zach for Christmas so we were pretty crunk about watching it 🙂

If you don’t know about Song of the South it’s the movie the ride Splash Mountain is based off of and the song “Zippity Do-Dah” comes from the film as well. It’s Britt’s all time favorite song so I knew she’d enjoy the movie!!!

The next morning was Easter and I snuck out and got some pics of the kids baskets from the Easter bunny before they got up! 

Growing up the Easter bunny always hid an egg in our church shoes so we made sure to leave our shoes out the night before for him! And he didn’t disappoint!!!

As soon as the kids were up we got to hunting! The Easter Bunny only hid the eggs in the living room so they were ready to find them 🙂 Here’s a video of the hunt!

After all the eggs were found the kids went back down the hall and waited for me to go get their baskets and bring them into the living room for them. In the past we’ve just left them in the kitchen but it was nice opening things in the living room instead of at the kitchen table!

When I first saw the stuff the Easter Bunny brought for them I was SO excited to see Britt’s reaction to Donald Duck. But when she ran to her basket she didn’t even see him at first haha. Typical girl, the first thing she grabbed was her little crown 😉 

Kye saw a boy at Disney World with a Stitch and said he really wanted one! He was so excited!

FINALLY she noticed Donald! I LOVE this video…her excitement about him is so, so cute and it’s also funny how Zach and I both acknowledge Kye but were just super crunk to see Britt haha!


First time eating Peeps (the only candy that was in their baskets…thanks Easter bunny!)

Such a Diva haha

Little Old Lady Face 😉

All the goodies!!!

Since we do Easter at Mema’s we always go to visit Zach’s childhood church on Easter. It works out because their church starts later than ours which gives us more time in the morning to do our Easter stuff and take our time getting ready. The negative is that the timing of church falls during lunch and we have to race to Mema’s in time for nap. AND their church doesn’t allow eating during services. So one of us have to take the kids to a back room and feed them lunch and basically miss the entire service. Yes, it’s a pain and it’s why we don’t visit there more often! 

With the nasty weather that morning we couldn’t do our typical Easter pics outside like we normally do so we just had to make it work in the living room!

Services went well! Kye sat with Colt and Payton and Zach handled Britt this time for me because I missed it all last year on Easter…Britt was potty training remember? Again, due to the weather, we decided to take all the family pictures inside the church building after services. That way we could rush to get Britt down to sleep and not have to wait on anyone! 

Can’t believe they are going to have two more grandkids!

The Fleming Family!

Our last holiday pregnant together 🙂 

Britt LOVED her Donald Duck 🙂

We got to Mema’s and had Katie snap a couple pics before putting Britt down to bed. We did the same routine as last year where we let Kye skip nap and had Britt take her nap. Britt ate her lunch during services and Kye just waited to eat with the rest of us during nap time. Then once Britt woke up we did the egg hunt! It worked out very well! Next year is going to be a good bit trickier because Leo will still have TWO naps a day…not sure how we’ll make that work 🙂

G-Mama got a little Easter gift for Leo and Carter!

Kye wanted to try one of every dessert haha. He’s def my kid 😉

Waiting to hunt the eggs!

G-Mama always has rules to go over!

Lined up and ready! Here’s a video of the hunting (well…it’s a semi-video. Zach is NOT so great with a video camera…)

Good luck getting that one Colt…

Or that one…

Britt did good! And the older kids did great leaving her some to find 🙂

Always posing 😉

G-Mama made each of the grandkids an egg…here’s Leo’s!

My sweet babies!

I’m thankful the rain cleared up enough for us to do the egg hunt and that the kids all had so much fun! It was a crazy weekend with us leaving for Ireland the next day but I was thankful to get so much sweet family time together before we headed out! 

Emily Parker

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