Britt’s First Beach Outing Redo!

After Brittlynn woke up from her nap we headed to our special secret spot on the beach 🙂 It’s a public beach access area but for some reason no one realizes it there so we are ALWAYS like the only people there. Another perk I’ll miss about our hotel next year 🙁

I was eager for a PRETTY beach outing since Brittlynn’s first time at the beach was such a failure (remember?). It worked out great because the boys had already come and set up all our stuff so we just walked to our spot and got to enjoy the beach! 

Love our beach tent, perfect for days with babies!

 “First time” at the beach 🙂

Probably my favorite picture of us together yet!

 Love her smile here too

 Pics with Daddy

 Wish some random stranger had been there to get a family picture for us…

 The boys headed for the water while I fed Brittlynn her bottle

 He ALWAYS wants to grub so he ate an early lunch

 Daddy took a turn at feeding her

Since Kye’s first time going to eat ice cream in September 2010 I’ve had the SAME picture as my desktop picture. I just love the last picture of him on this post. I have yet to have a picture make me smile the way that one does so it’s always remained that picture. Until now. This is my new instant-happiness photo! I especially adore it in black and white and I’m sure it will be my desktop picture for awhile to come 🙂

 Melts my heart 🙂

 I know exactly what he is saying when he makes this face:

“Are you a pretty girl? Hey pretty girl!”

 They simple adore each other…and I love it

 We rarely use our Bumbo but it came in handy for the beach!

 Time to see how she likes the water!

 …not too sure…

 and not too happy about it haha

 Grabbing onto Daddy for dear life

 Zach’s faces in these make me laugh out loud

 We didn’t give up 😉

 Love her sweet chunky legs!

 He’s thinking “She’s YOUR daughter”

 Maybe this should be my desktop picture 😉

 Showing her the water

 Kye finished up his lunch and came roaring for some attention of his own!

 I let the boys do their thing and took Miss Happy back to the tent with me

I know most people probably think we’d be disappointed that Brittlynn wasn’t a big fan of the beach…she didn’t like the sand…or the water at all. She did, however, LOVE sitting in my lap and taking it all in. I lovvvvved it. I myself don’t like to play much in the sand (I do love putting my feet in it and that’s it) and I rarely go into the ocean. I enjoy the beach…but I enjoy it just because it’s pretty and relaxing and I love watching Zach and Kye play. It was neat that Brittlynn takes after me and that she was perfectly content in my lap just relaxing and cuddling together. It was great to have some company!!!

 We just watched the boys and enjoyed every second of it!

 I did take a turn to play with Kye!

 I got a little arm workout in by helping him jump the waves 😉

 two toothy grin 😉

We stayed for about an hour and a half or so then loaded everything up to head to the car. Since the boys had set up during nap we had a LOT to take back with us. I suggested to the boys to wear shoes down to the beach but Zach said they didn’t need them…well sometimes I do know what I’m talking about! 😉 The sand was on FIRE. Poor Zach burned his feet racing to the car while I attempted to hold both kids then he had to race back to get Kye! At least I had worn my shoes 😉 Zach works hard to take the time to let Kye help. It’s SO important to us to have kids who have servant hearts and offer to help people in times of need. Kye always steps up and does what he is told to do. He carried Britt’s Bumbo for us to the car like such a Big Boy!

The hotel has a great pool area as well as a hose that we go to after the beach to hose off. We had to hurry as it was inching close to nap time so we hosed down and jumped back in the car! Here’s Brittlynn getting hosed off…

 She didn’t like it…shocker…

 Heading back to the room for naps!

 I’d say it was a VERY successful morning at the beach 🙂


Last year Zach and I may have enjoyed the perks of having a toddler at the beach. We could relax and just watch him play on his own…this year may have been a little lot crazier but I loved every second of it!!!

1 Comment

  1. Kelly Williamson Wrenn
    August 5, 2012 / 1:42 am

    Very sweet pics!!!  I am a mom of 2 as well.  My oldest is almost 4 and my youngest was born Dec. 1st.  We live just south of Jax, actually about 45 mins from the outlet mall and love going to the beach in St Aug.  Do you mind sharing your secret beach access with me?

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