Blitzen’s 1st Baby Shower

Early on in my pregnancy sweet Robyn offered to host a baby shower for me! I’m a BIG believer in having a baby shower for every pregnancy. I know with your first you have SEVERAL and get a TON of stuff and many people think you shouldn’t need stuff for your other babies since you got “it all” with the first one. Um no. You do still need stuff!!! And it’s not just about the gifts, it’s about honoring the baby too!!! I have hosted several showers for second babies and plan to do it for friends and family with third, fourth, and even fifth babies!

I really appreciated Robyn hosting the shower for me (on Sat Oct 22nd) and we made it a friends shower since Courtney and Casey also offered to host one and I invited family to theirs. Robyn did an AWESOME job playing hostess!

Check out the mega pretty diaper cake she made 🙂

I love tissue pom-poms

The food!

Crissy and Ashley T helped host as well and I could tell right away that Crissy hooked me up with the Cosmic Brownies 🙂

cupcake cake (she told the girl to do it NEUTRAL and ended up with some pink in it…a sign?)

flowers that I got to take home and enjoy all week!

presents for Blitzen

My gift (other than the shower and diaper cake which were plenty!) was a blessing ring for Blitzen. I’d never heard of one before but it is ADORABLE and such a thoughtful, wonderful gift. I’m adding it to my list of good future gift ideas for people 😉

The lady she ordered it from on Etsy didn’t have gray so she used some pink and if it’s a boy we’ll change out the ribbons

There were little tags for everyone to fill out and include their blessings for the baby and our family. Then the ring will hang in Blitzen’s room as a reminder of all the people who are praying for him or her 🙂

We all visited and ate then played some games! I LOVE shower games, always so fun! The first one was a list where everyone had to search their purses for certain items and each item was worth a certain number of points.

Mrs. Charlotte

Crissy and Me



Crissy was hardcore 😉

I think we all had our serious faces on haha!

Mom ended up being the winner! It helped that having a picture of me was worth a TON of points and, of course, she had one 😉 I loved that Robyn gave out picture frames as the prizes – very cute idea

Next game: candy bar poop diaper 😉

taste testing was allowed

I love everyone’s noses in the diapers 😉

Crissy won!!! I was proud of myself for doing well without being able to smell the candy bars – I guess just off looks!

Last game: Guess the baby food!
(again I could only go by looks!)

Mrs. Charlotte was the winner! I’m glad she and Mom have new frames for a picture of Blitzen 😉

It was present time! Mom is so good at writing little poems and she wrote one for Blitzen! Here it is:


Oh Blitzen, sweet Blitzen

what will you be?

A boy? A girl?

We soon will see.

We’ve seen the pictures

of fingers and toes.

Full smiling lips

and a perfect nose!

You’re very active

throughout the day

Kicking and stretching

and ready to play!

Your names have been chosen

A secret it is

Brother Kye has one

He calls you Isis!

It won’t be long now

A family of four

A newborn baby

For us to adore!

Kye LOVED his jumperoo but his feet couldn’t touch the floor with it for some reason. When I called the manufacturer they told me they’d fix it buy I’d have to pay for the shipping so I ended up just selling it at a used kids sale and registering for a new one for Blitzen! Can’t wait to use it, thanks Mom!

Angel care breathing/movement monitor from Mrs. Charlotte

(I think I will sleep SO much better having this!)

duck tub and toys from Katie!

This is a MUST have a for a baby. It was Kye’s favorite and he totally wore it out! Glad Ashley got us a new one 😉

Zach has an awesome quilt from his great grandmother and he won’t let me us it outside for pictures and such so Crissy got me a blanket to use instead!

I got LOTS of wonderful gifts from everyone and appreciate them all so much! I felt bad that it was such a small crowd…I guess I don’t have that many friends? Haha! But what I lack in quantity I make up for in quality for sure 😉 We all enjoyed visiting with each other and I had a GREAT time! Since the crowd was so small I took advantage of the opportunity for lots of pictures 🙂

The hostesses!

With all the hostesses
(btw I’m wearing my Metropolitian Mixed Chain Necklace)

Individual Shots!

Robyn and Me

Crissy and Me

Blitzen and Rocket (Olive)

Me and Ashley

Courtney and Me

Mrs. Charlotte and Me

Katie and Me

Mom and Me!

Thank you SO much again to Robyn, Crissy and Ashley for throwing Blitzen such a beautiful, fun shower. I LOVE girl time and am so glad we all got to get together before my life gets crazy with a newborn 😉


  1. Anne Prado
    November 15, 2011 / 8:29 pm

    Aww so lovely! You look stunning. I prefer smaller baby shower much more than bigger ones – they can be way more fun and less overwhelming. Congrats and please continue to keep us posted!

  2. Laura Drewry
    November 15, 2011 / 11:40 pm

    Looks like you had a great baby shower for Blitzen!! 😉 You will LOVE the Angel Care Monitor…it is SO wonderful!! We used it with Keely and plan to use it with our next one as well! Anyways, hope you are feeling well. Can't wait to see if Blitzen is a boy or girl…but my guess is GIRL!! 🙂

  3. Julie
    November 16, 2011 / 12:12 am

    I love that diaper cake! That froggy carseat thingy IS the best! Brody has worn his out. I was such a lifesaver anytime he was upset. 

  4. Mom
    November 20, 2011 / 11:46 pm

    Such a fun day celebrating our new baby to be born soon!  So happy I'm living here now!

  5. Rosie
    September 13, 2018 / 7:48 pm

    i love the blessing ring! can you share where you got the ring and the holder for it?

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