Today closes out the Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week. I really think the posts this week have been some of the best EVER. I love reading about how Babywise benefits different families and each post has really given me so much to think about. I hope some of you have enjoyed it as much as I have!
Today Maureen from Childwise Chat is the last spotlight blogger. I LOVE her post about Babywise being a parent’s best instruction manual. I agree with this 100% and could have written these same words myself: “I can toast bread or wash a coat without an instruction manual. But raising a child? I need an instruction manual for that! Didn’t you feel this way when you left the hospital with your first baby? You go in with nothing but a few forms filled out, and they let you leave with a precious, fragile human being. Some people take the advice of their parents. Others fumble their way through it. But we Babywise moms read! Babywise is our instruction manual.”
I am a person who likes a guidebook to follow. I’ve said it many times…the Bible is my guidebook for how to live my life. Dave Ramsey is the guidebook for how to manage my finances. Babywise is the guidebook for how to parent! Not everyone may feel the need for a guidebook for everything (I’m one of the only people I know who legit needs a recipe for how to make sweet tea or hard boil an egg…) but having a guidebook really does make life easier and Maureen discusses that in her post today!
Be sure to visit Childwise Chat to read more about a parent’s best instruction manual and I hope you’ve enjoyed all of the posts this week! If you haven’t ever read any of the Babywise series of books, they are well worth it!!! Even if you have an older child, it’s never too late to start and there is a “wise” book for every age!