Weekends at Home

Obviously with all the travel Zach has been doing with work during the weeks this month we’ve opted to stay in town. We had planned on going to Ashley’s last cross country race but it would have just been tooooo much so we’ve been in town every weekend this month! So so so crazy for us!

Surprisingly, it’s been WONDERFUL! We just spend time together as a family and most importantly we’ve been at church each Sunday. I love traveling but I hate that we miss so much church. This past Sunday was our third one in a row and it’s the first time Kye behaved well enough to actually stay in services instead of being taken to the nursery within 5 min of the start of worship haha! I really think that this routine of going every Sunday has helped him behave better!

(I love Kye’s little smile, you can tell he loves the swings!)

What I’ve been doing is making little “To Do” lists during the week for Zach and when he’s home over the weekends he gets that stuff done. Most of the time these things take like 5 minutes (hang a picture, shave Sadie, etc) and we end up with a lot of free time. Of course Zach’s enjoyed watching college football but he’s also enjoyed spending quality time together.

(caught one of them swinging together, so cute)

The first weekend with him home we went to the park! Courtney was in the hospital during this time so we just stayed for a little while and played before going to see her. The second weekend we ran some errands together as a family which included getting Zach sized for his tux for Brandon’s wedding and stopping by Brusters for some well-deserved ice cream (buy one get one free gotta love it!). Zach also spent some one-on-one time with Kye so I could go to ToysRUs during their big sale and stock up on some good deals for Christmas!

(singing and swinging…what a multitasker!)

Last weekend (after my week from you-know-where) poor Zach had to come home to a miserable wife, STILL fussy child, and then help Katie move! Kye and I stopped by for a little bit but I was so out of it that I needed to be home. We also had Ashley and her new man over! It was honestly a little busier of a weekend than I would have chosen (is this really me talking?!?) but it was still fun!

(confused at how Daddy is swinging too!)

With these weekends home I have decided that next year we need to not travel AS MUCH. Traveling is still mega important to me and I think it’s important for Kye too but we don’t need to do it every weekend. Being with our church family and teaching Kye about God needs to be our #1 priority! Hopefully Mom will move up here so we won’t have to deal with any more Melbourne travels and that will really cut down our weekends away. Other than that I just want to plan on trying to be home at least one to two weekends a month. I know that sounds crazy to most people but it really is hard for me not to plan something every weekend! I don’t think I’d choose to be home three weekends a month but one or two is doable

(happy to have his daddy home!)

Emily Parker

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