Week Eight Summary!

This past week has been pretty crazy!

On Monday we met up to eat at Katie’s house for Monday Night Meals (which I think we are changing to Tuesday nights!) She made Ceasar Burgers which are basically Ceasar Salad mixed with Hamburgers.

They were sooo good and Zach has not shut-up about them since! It’s funny b/c I am NEVER hungry (I thought you were always supposed to be starving when pregnant? well not me, I have to force myself to eat) yet when we go to Katie’s I always scarf down 🙂 I think the baby knows she is the greatest cook ever already!

We spent the night playing Guesstures and we told Seth and Crissy our news! I was so excited to tell them because they are already parents and I knew they would be so excited! Of course they were and I can’t wait to hear all of Crissy’s tips…Since Stevie was born in March and ours is due in March I went through Crissy’s pregnancy timeline to kind of see what I will look like each step of the way!

This picture totally shocked me! She looks adorable of course but I don’t remember her tummy ever being that big and I can’t BELIEVE it is what I will look like! And Stevie wasn’t even born for another couple weeks!!! I hope I’m half as adorable as Crissy was but I can’t even imagine how I will be able to walk with that tummy!!! My day will come I’m sure!

Tuesday Ashley and I had a great day of shopping in Gainesville…I found awesome deals at Express for Christmas gifts and on some things for myself at Gap and a Maternity store! I have several cute dresses ready for when I have a tummy to wear to church!

I got sooo sick Tuesday night! Let’s just say it was vomit but not where you typically think vomit will come out…I think the baby didn’t like the Steakburger I had at Steak and Shake. I don’t think I’ll EVER eat them again after that night! I called the dr the next morning (I’m NOT one of those women who freak out but I googled it and it said the case I had a dr should know about) and they said as long as it didn’t happen again for 24 hours I was fine…luckily I was ok!

But it really made me think about the baby and wonder if when my stomach rumbles can the baby feel it? Can it feel when I have a headache?

Wednesday we FINALLY got to tell the Student Center! I was so proud of Little Mama because she didn’t tell Aunt Karen before we got to! We went around the circle to introduce ourselves (because we had a lot of new people which is such a blessing!) and I said my name and that Zach and I are going to have a baby!

The whole time I kept looking at Carolyn because I have always felt a connection with her and couldn’t wait to see her reaction! She was in shock as was everyone else I think! Nontalie of course had the loudest response which we expected haha

This is SUCH an old pic but you can see why people always think we are related!

We ate at the “new” Sunny’s after and I will never forget the famous Ashley quote to our waiter “So are you planning on making a career out of this?” haha priceless Ash! Afterwards we went to Books-A-Million and had fun looking at all the Baby Books! I order Zach a couple and I decided I want a book on nursery rhymes because I don’t know anything but “Twinkle Twinkle” and “You are my Sunshine”

While looking at all the books Zach tells me that he thinks we are having TWINS!!! Why? I have no idea but he thinks we are! We don’t have a family history of twins, I don’t feel like I have two babies inside of me and we didn’t take any kind of fertility drugs so I just think he’s NUTS. But we’ll find out when we get to hear the heartbeat and have an ultrasound on the 26th! Either I’ll be saying “I told you so” or he will be….

On Thursday I had several surprises:

1. Ashley bought me the Pregnancy Journal I wanted!

2. My Bella Band came in the mail! Sooo pumped for this because some of my pants are already a little snug and it’s so awesome! You can wear your regular pants but leave them unbutton and unzipped and it slides right over the top. It keeps them up, flattens your tummy and provides lots of comfort!

3. We rode in the RV for the first time with the Parkers to dinner for Big Daddy’s birthday and SURPRISE SURPRISE RV’s are NOT smooth rides! It was HORRIBLE and I never plan to do it again!

Friday Ashley and I drove to Brunswick for a little mini-trip because Zach was visiting Ryan in Tallahassee. It was a nice relaxing vacation with LOTS of sleep which I decided I need more of for sure!

Emily Parker

1 Comment

  1. katie
    August 18, 2008 / 8:33 pm

    Thanks for the Caesar Burger shoutout haha Who knew they would become so famous? 🙂 I am loving this blog…you have to make sure to keep updating tons!!!

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