This is a recap of our 7th week of summer! It covers Saturday June 24th – Friday June 30th!
Saturday was a girl-day for Britt, Tess and I as Zach and Kye went to Tally for the Drive, Chip and Putt Championship. It’s a free competition for kids for golf and you can end up winning a trip to Augusta during the Masters if you win the whole thing for your age group. Kye loves competition so they decided to give it a go! I was thankful it ended up being a very quick thing as I felt pretty cruddy with my strep and didn’t love the idea of an entire Saturday solo with the girls!
Britt was so sweet to help with breakfast…and I don’t think the girls minded what she “made” ha!
I will show more from Kye’s experience in his solo post for the month but he had a GREAT time!
Lazy morning…girl time meant pulling out my old doll houses!
Seriously in SUCH good shape still!!!
Sick. Mode.
I’ve had two daughters for almost three years now and I’m just now starting to figure some tricks out. I wish I had a “family closet” to keep ALL the kids clothes in as it’d make it SO MUCH EASIER. BUT I did decide to move all of Britt’s hair accessories down to Tess’s room. All the bows and headbands are in one spot now and so much easier to find!
The boys got home in time for lunch on the porch and swim time!
These two melt my heart. Britt reading to Tess on the potty 🙂
That afternoon we had Cooper’s birthday party! You can see all the details of the event on Robyn’s blog here 🙂 They had a pool party at her mom’s house and it was great! It really wasn’t too hot at all and the kids all had a blast (we had tears when it was time to leave).
Birthday Boy!
I was SO proud that none of the kids got the icing on their suits haha
Cooper loves superheros and all the kids got to take home super fun masks!
I wanted to wear my suit from Mexico but it’s a little cheeky so I put some shorts on over it! I loved how the look turned out and got so many compliments at the party from it…you can order the suit here! (it’s NOT a thong…it just shows a little more tush than I was comfortable with showing at a 5 year old birthday party ha!)
Someone I know might have a little crushy crush on Robyn’s step-dad so I took a selfie to make her jealous haha! I also love Robyn’s mom in the background like “what is she doing with my man?” 😉
All the kids had a great time but it was so nice for Tess to have a little friend to play with! Suzanna may be a year younger, but they hit it off really well!
Successful party fo’ sho!
Zach and I had a date night that night and picked up Atlanta Bread since neither of us were feeling that great. Their to-go was TERRIBLE.
But at least our movie night was great. He loved Lion just as much as I did (although he cried less ha!)
On Sunday the kids were instructed to wear red, white and blue to church for a pre-church performance of American pride songs. Didn’t they look so cute?
I took three videos…you can’t really see Kye in any of them and Tess was too young to participate:
Had to grab some movie candy on the way home and stocked up on Mt Dew (if you get headaches the BEST trick I’ve found is to down a Mt Dew and take 2 tylenol/ibprophen at the start of a headache and it blasts it away!)
We don’t go to the movie theater often as a family because it’s SO dang expensive! But I found products that offered discount tickets for Cars 3. I bought granola bars that offered $3 off and sunscreen that earned us a free ticket. We ended up spending right at $20 for our entire family to see the movie! We didn’t have church that night and really needed the family time so it was perfect.
We all really enjoyed the movie. Was it as good as some of the recent Disney movies? No. It’s not Moana. It’s Cars. Was it was good as the original Cars? No. Was it as awful as Cars 2? No. It was 1,000 times BETTER than Cars 2 but def not among my favorites as far as Disney/Pixar goes. I’d watch it again but I don’t see us sitting down for a family movie night for it. VERY little kid friendly though but be warned that little little ones may get bored as it’s not super action packed either.
After my root canal I had to do follow up visits to have my tooth internally bleached. The kids were SO great about sitting and waiting for me to have that done. It’s so hard being confined to a chair and having to trust your kids to SIT STILL. But they did!
Waiting for Britt at speech!
This week was our most chill week so far of the summer. Because I didn’t feel good but mostly because I was focused on PACKING for the beach! We try hard to spend smart and that also means packing smart. We bring a lot from home to minimize vacation spending! I have to really plan and think through things. Especially b/c I love to coordinate our outfits on vacation. Which takes a TON of extra work!
I started with Tess and worked my way up. I put out all the outfits I thought would be cute and then took pics and tried to pair them up with stuff Kye and Britt had. Then I decided where to wear what and put back things that didn’t coordinate or that we didn’t need.
Of course I mean it was a MONDAY so something had to happen out of the plan! We added black out to Tess’s curtains awhile ago and I guess the rod finally gave out from the added weight.
Sweet boy is SO good with playing with his sisters!
Even though we had a mostly stick-close-to-home week I still wanted to try to knock something off our summer bucket list and it was the perfect time to escape to the Peach Barn for some yummy treats! Keeli met us there and it was so great to just let the kids PLAY while we caught up 🙂
Kye hid one of his rocks 😉
Really cool spider!
Kye actually prefers snow cones/ slushes over actual ice cream. He’s crazy!!!
5 years old…still a messy eater 😉
This one is pretty cute herself 😉
Watching the kids run and opting to just stand there haha
Eli and Tess were straight FILTHY by the end of it!
And exhausted!
So ready and excited to have Keeli living closer to us!!! It’s so funny b/c I think Zach may be even more pumped than I am about their move!
Here’s a video of the kids swinging!
Shockingly I won for messiest eater. Guess I know where Britt gets it!
There has been a LOT of stress on us lately and I felt super overwhelmed with everything and hadn’t gotten my “me time” in awhile and was just basically STRESSING. I lashed out at Zach (not cool. i apologized later!) and then decided to just SIT in the TUB. I’m not a big fan of a bath. I get hot and I don’t like it for very long but I figured it’d help. And it did! I relaxed and read a bit and did some self evaluating and just realized that I can’t rely on one person to fulfill my “happy needs.” It’s been hard lately to not be spending time with my “person who makes even the lamest moments awesome” and I just need to figure out how to have awesome moments even without a specific person being involved. It was a good moment for me of some self analyzing and I came out of the bath feeling MUCH BETTER!
More packing! I went through all of Britt’s and Kye’s and then brought Kye’s into Britt’s room and paired things up!
Break for lunch and FUN!
Omg I was sitting by the pool while the kids swam and felt something on my crocs and assumed it was just water from the pool dripping. NOPE. IT WAS A WORM. I freaked haha!
I did something I very rarely do and I jumped in with the kids and swam. It was amazing and felt SO GOOD and I showed them how swimming is really done 😉
The oldest and youngest really buddied up this week!
Finally done! Outfits bagged and labeled and I could finally check the kids clothes off my list haha
Zach was out of town so I surprised ALL of the kids with early dinner and then NIGHT SWIMMING. Honestly, I think of night swimming being IN THE DARK haha but for my kids they feel like it means past their bedtime. Whatever works 😉 I also jumped in again and they loved swimming with me and playing together. I loved loved loved it and it was so fun. But I ended up with a freaking ear infection from the two times of going under. I got it cleared up now but it was a BEAST and def made me invest in swimmers ear. Kye complains about his ears bugging him some after swimming so I’m just going to start using the drops for both he and I anytime we swim.
Here’s when I told them the news….and I love how opposite Britt and Tess were in their emotions about it haha!
Heading to Speech!
I had my regular 6 week hair appointment that next day but Zach had a work meeting lunch that was also kinda a kick off thing to him being the new district. Since all of my attempts at celebrating with him the week prior got washed…I REALLY wanted to just go to the work lunch. At least that way I’d get to celebrate him and feel part of such a big honor he’s accepted! I texted this to my stylist to see if she thought we could wait longer on my hair and she said FOR SURE that I could go another 2 weeks easy! So I rescheduled in order to attend the lunch 🙂
Our Wednesday routine: Zaxbys!
Our big table was taken so the big kids had a little “date” and Tess and I got to have a table to ourselves.
I never really think Britt and I look super alike but MAN our EYES! This might be my new fav pic of us together (props to Kye for snapping it!)
Kye made up a game where he makes “hidden mickeys” out of paper and hides them around the house for the rest of us to find.
Ready for our lunch date! Y’all I can’t think of the last time I went out to LUNCH. I NEVER get to “lunch” and it was so fun! Aunt Cheryl and Jolee came to swim with the kids so they all had fun and we were able to enjoy the work lunch. I’m so proud of Zach and know he’ll do amazing things in his new role!
I also loved the excuse to wear my new dress! It’s SUPER flattering (I ordered a small and really could have gone down a size) and the material is great too b/c no wrinkles! You can get one here! It was my first cold shoulder look and I really liked it…and Zach LOVED it. He said it’s his new favorite dress of mine!
After the lunch I rushed home and took Britt to get our nails done before the beach. It’s a tradition we started last year and both agreed that Tess may be ready to join us before the beach trip next year! We had a GREAT time and I love that quality time with my kids. I will post more on this in Britt’s solo post for the month since it was a special time for “just us”
Came home to the guys playing chess haha such nerds 😉
I LOVE THIS SONG. I am not a huge Lady Gaga person but this song is ammmmazing.
I dropped off Britt and turned around and left again! This time for Casey’s baby shower at Smallcakes. It’s the first baby shower they’ve hosted at their location and it was seriously PERFECT. The decor and lighting makes photos turn out so great and it’s just the perfect spot for celebrating. It’d be great for other events too like bridal luncheons! If you’re local be sure to visit the Smallcakes Facebook Page for more info 🙂
Casey is due with her baby boy TOMORROW. Please be lifting her and this sweet baby in your prayers, we will know more about potential delivery dates after her appointment! We are all eager and ready and waiting for him to make his arrival 🙂
Mrs. Charlotte got food from Chicken Salad Chick plus tons of mini cupcakes from Smallcakes and it was all SO DELICIOUS!
ZippityZip! My first time ever seeing one “in the flesh” ha!
Little Mama was sitting in a kids’ size chair which was awesome haha
Yay for the travel system she was wanting!
Katie is seriously just beyond thoughtful. She MADE a blanket! So so sweet.
My gifts!
From Aunt Cheryl…Kye wants to steal it for Tab 😉
All the guests! It was SUCH a FUN night together. I hope Casey left feeling loved and cherished by us all because we all adore her so much and can’t wait to rally around her while she adjusts to life with two here soon 🙂
Morgan brought precious baby Baylor!
I’m telling y’all the lighting was fantastic so we took tons and tons of pics ha!
I always struggle on people’s birthdays to have pics of JUST me and them together so I might have used the opportunity to snap a couple of me solo with people too 😉
Katie and I hit up Starbucks after for some treats and catching up! The specialty s’mores drink they have right now? SO. LEGIT.
I woke up the day prior to our beach trip with a dang migraine. I lingered in bed as long as I could and it was so sweet to see the kids slowlllly trickle in.
Kye volunteered to make breakfast for me so I could rest. Sweet, sweet boy.
I know a blog reader asked for this recipe and I need to try to find her and how she contacted me (I swear we have WAY too many methods of communication right now) but if you’re reading…here’s the Crock Pot Chicken and Wild Rice recipe! It’s YUMMY!
Letting the kids play and play and play.
I typically don’t overly stress about the weather but this summer has had SO MUCH RAIN that I just envisioned us being in a 2 bedroom condo for a week with no beach time. I over packed just in case we needed to go and do more!
This has become a family favorite recipe! I made double and Zach and the kids ran some down to Sara! Please continue praying for her and her family 🙂
Had to have some more pool time on our last lazy day before vacation!!!
Messy face from lunch but the pool cleans it off, right? 😉
“I messy. But I cute”
Made these to go along with Sara’s dinner. Y’all. This brand is AMAZING. We always bought cheap brownies but never, ever again. These are SO good. We cook them for less time, duh, and they are even better!
The kids have been working hard on their chores so we paid ’em for the week a couple days early (Pay Day is usually Sunday right before church) so they could have the spending money for the trip!
LOTS of fun beach posts ahead! Whoop whoop!
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024
- Effective Parenting Tips to Discipline a 5 Year Old Child - September 24, 2024