This post covers our 6th week of summer! It’s from Saturday June 17th – Friday June 23rd.
Zach loves to do breakfast for the kids on Saturdays. Britt especially looks forward to their “treats” for breakfast and this week he did sausage biscuits which were a big hit!
We then went to the YMCA for Carter’s birthday party! I’d never been to a party at the YMCA and I was very impressed with the set up. They had the area closed off for the whole water park section just for the guests and a lifeguard too. It was FABULOUS. And not too late in the day so it wasn’t overly hot. The kids had a BLAST!
Miss Watermelon even came with us 😉
Love me some Robyn!
Yay for a yummy lunch celebrating Carter turning 3!
He’s so grown and so excited to be a big brother ANY day now!
I was pretty pumped about the Thomas set we got him and apparently so was Tess
All the guests…
and the birthday boy too!
That afternoon we had Seth and the Megow crew over for dinner. We hadn’t hung out in WAY too long and it was so great catching up with him and the kids. So thankful for our friendship 🙂
Buddies…just like their dads!
This reminds me SO MUCH of ME at this age. My parents have this video where I’m sitting on my grandmother’s steps watching all the action and eating a snack just like this and I even have my little feet crossed and am tapping them in the video 🙂
Caught a bug
Sunday was actual Father’s Day and you can read that post here. We went to visit Zach’s dad at Lakeland and I about died laughing when the sweet church member who hosted Casey’s baby shower handed me these print out photos. When Casey was opening gifts I scooted as far away as I could so I wouldn’t be in the photos. Y’all I have a VERY expressive face. And I wear my thoughts all over it. Opening gifts is a struggle for ME because people can always instantly tell whether or not I like something. Obviously I didn’t want to be seen making some sort of “omg why did so and so buy this for her” face so I tried to get away but OF COURSE I’m still in them all. And the faces are epic. And I died laughing when someone posted them on FB and tagged me in them. So it was even funnier to be handed copies of the photos to keep. I will for sure cherish these forever 😉
We are meeting tonight to discuss our 4th book for book club. I started it during this week of summer and loved it so much that I tried to be suppppper sllllllow with reading it. If you’re looking for a great book and a fun read then def grab One True Loves!
I LOVE how well my kids will play together…and it’s totally worth the chaos the room becomes 😉
Swim Time!
Their fav pool game is for Tess to toss in the toys and they race to see who can get ’em first
Shocker, Kye always wins.
Kye has started to ask to read bedtime stories and we decided he’s a better reader than Daddy bahahaha
I LOVE this picture. Britt is so proud b/c she was winning Monopoly and you can just SEE the competitiveness our kids have because Kye is NOT happy about losing to his little sister!
I am ALL about being “down for whatever” with my kids, especially during summer. I love to go and do and experience new things and make new memories. Especially with friends! Doing stuff solo with the kids is fun, but having a friend to do it with? Even better!
Robyn and I tossed around a few ideas and decided to spend the day on a road trip to MOSH in Jacksonville. We have had a SUPER rainy summer so I liked the idea of going somewhere indoors to mix things up. Neither of us had heard of MOSH before. I went in with NO IDEA what it was about or what we’d do or how long we’d stay. Literally no agenda. But that’s the beauty of having kids old enough to be so flexible…we could roll with it and make it work and have a blast with very little concerns about timing or scheduling. I gotta squeeze in all those “yolo” moments that I can before we have another baby 🙂
We loaded up my van (and got SUPER lucky Zach was home because the car seats almost didn’t fit!!!) and hit the road. Robyn is a great friend to have for a lot of reasons, but one of them is that she likes to be the driver. Go. For. It. 😉
We hit traffic on I-10 and by traffic I mean one of the worst wrecks I’ve ever personally seen and it completely covered the highway and the GPS simply told us we couldn’t get to our destination because there was no way around the wreck. C-RAZY. We sat for almost an hour. Thankful for movies to keep the kids happy! A 2 hour drive turned into a 3 hour one and we did spend more time in the car that day than we did at the museum haha but we made the most of it and really the car time getting to talk with Robyn was SO great 😉
Oh you know me. I got up in my sunroof to take a pic and try to figure things out AND I exited my car and chatted it up with other people trying to see if they knew anything. It was funny because we stopped at a rest stop once we got going and ended up running into one of the ladies I spoke with on the highway.
Any situation can be an adventure!
We busted out lunches when we stopped at the rest stop so the kids were fed and full and we got to MOSH right at noon. Which really wasn’t bad AT ALL. We picked a random Tuesday to go and it wasn’t crowded and we made it just in time for the laser show!
They have this big planetarium thing where you are leaning back. I think the regular show of the constellations and stuff would have been really neat to see but with little ones we figured the laser show version was the way to go. If you’ve been to Stone Mountain’s Laser Show it was very similar but closer to us and the seats didn’t quite lean back enough so my neck started hurting pretty fast. And then the lasers were very repetitive and bright and it quickly turned into headache city.
However, it was SO WORTH IT. Omg KYE was KILLING ME. Right when the show started they did a swirly design with the lasers and Kye was dead serious when he told us not to look at it bc they were hypoptizing (hypnotizing but he said it wrong every time he said it too which made me laugh even harder) us. He really did think that’s what was happening and any comment we made about anything related to the show he’d say “it’s because you’re hypopitized now.” SO funny.
MOSH is perfect for kids of ALL ages. It was very factual and informative which Kye loved (much better than like a zoo where it’s “Hey look at this animal” and then move on) and very hands on too. Plus there were tons of interesting things to see for the girls!
Britt’s fav of the day was probably the touch tank! It was SO much easier to touch things than at the GA Aquarium!
The girls and a HUGE whale!
I love that both boys wore dinosaur shirts 😉 You can tell Robyn and I only knew they had dino stuff at the museum haha
They did several shows throughout the day which were all great too! We especially loved the science one and both Kye and Britt got to participate.
I kept joking every time the lady did an experiment and asked what we though would happen. I’d always say “it’s gonna blow up!” Then the last experiment the object WAS going to blow up and my jokes kinda caused LL and Britt to get scared. Oops!
Luckily we left there to see all the smaller animals and the kids really all enjoyed that a lot. It was great because the museum is sectioned off into smaller rooms which made it easy to keep an eye on the kids while still letting them explore some on their own. Perfect location for a chill, take our time, kinda day!
Tess LOVES turtles!
Britt and LL had such a great day together.
This snake was super cool. He was HUGE and we watched him move around.
Probably the coolest thing at MOSH were the huge dinosaurs that were movable!
We headed to their outdoor area for one more show…the feeding of their huge turtle named Tonca!
The girl doing the demonstration was mindful to say she was feeding the turtles “meat” when really they were little mice!
I was SUPER quiet while they fed Tonca and Tess just randomly yelled out super loud “I AM MOANA” it was awesome!
Robyn stuck $2 in a Hurricane Simulator machine and dared all the kids to try it. Only Kye and Tess were brave enough to give it a go!
Exploring the space area!
So many cool interactive areas in the museum, with this one the kids make movements and the skeletons copy!
A super successful, super fun day!
Here’s a few videos I took:
Britt’s hair during the science experiment
I need a caffeine fix after that planetarium situation and everyone needed a solid snack to hold us over for dinner at home. McD for the win!
I thought FOR SURE Tess would sleep on the way home but, nope, Cooper took home the prize for only kid who slept!
Two moms and 5 kids survived a day trip and had a BLAST!
More reading from brother ❤️
Kye and Britt vs Mommy in Clue!
Britt is doing super great with her speech and Kye and Tess love the playtime while we wait
Yay for no rain!!!
Tess loves playing with Britt in the deep end and pushing her off our step out.
Pushing an empty stroller while on our walk since Tess asked to walk with her siblings…I’m so ready for a baby to fill it!
Playground pit stop!
It seems like the BIG “thing” right now is rock panting. Our town has a Facebook page where people post hints for where they have hidden rocks and then people can go find them and rehide and post a hint for that one. It’s a super great idea but I’m a) not good at painting b) not up for spending money on ROCKS and c) not very observant for looking for things while I’m out running errands with three kids in tow. So basically we haven’t been big participants in it. However, I LOVED the idea of painting Kye’s rock collection rocks and having the kids hide them places we go. GOODBYE ROCK COLLECTION!!! The kids loved painting them and it did make me want to maybe, possibly, buy some rocks and let them do the real deal thing 😉 We’ll see.
The worst thing to see while swimming: the dreaded turd bump in the back of a bathing suit.
We found out this month that Zach got offered a promotion! He decided to accept and is now the District Coordinator with Aflac. I’m SO proud and excited for him and know this will be a great fit for him. He’s been with Aflac now for 10 years (which is insane to think about!) and is beyond deserving of this honor. I had THE hardest time getting something together to celebrate. First I tried doing a large family thing for adults only at a nice restaurant but that fell through then I kept the sitter and got all dressed up and figured we’d do a date night but THAT fell through. Poor guy just couldn’t get any sort of well-deserved celebration to happen! On the upside I can wear this outfit again sometime 😉
When stuff happened that made us late for the date night I wasn’t sure if we’d still go or not and I’d promised the big kids they could stay up a little late to hang out longer with the sitter. I let them play games and then finally gave up and canceled the sitter and let them have a treat before bed haha
Britt chose chocolate
Kye chose a honey bun!
Zach and I finally got some “us time” at 10 and by then I was in my date hair and makeup but while wearing pjs haha the only thing open was McD so sundaes for dinner!
All about some crock pot meals 😉
To end the week we hit up Wild Adventures!
Our fav 😉
We met up with Robyn, her kids, and her nephew (Ben)
Ready for the water fun!!!
SO proud of Tess for FINALLY doing the slide on her own and she LOVED it and wanted to do it again but of course by that point everyone was ready to go to a different area haha
Wild Adventures has a LARGE parking lot but not really any way to distinguish your row vs another row. I put Kye in charge of both getting us out of the park (no easy feat when you’re horrible with directions like I am) AND finding the car. He was a GREAT leader!!!
I felt super off all morning that morning. Like my heart was racing and I thought I was having an anxiety attack or something. My limbs felt weird and even at Wild Adventures I just felt “off.” When I got home Zach pointed out that he was on meds for strep so, duh, it was probably what I had too. I used MDLive for the first time (We have Medishare and it’s a FREE service they offer!) and it was AWESOME. I spent 6 min on the phone with a dr and BAM! had a prescription ready and waiting for me!
We had William visit that afternoon (please continue to keep his sweet mama in your prayers) and I just was pretty out of it by that point. Thankful Zach was home and that Trolls is on Netflix because it was the perfect movie night movie to keep us all happily entertained!
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024
- Effective Parenting Tips to Discipline a 5 Year Old Child - September 24, 2024