Spark It Up!

I had heard about Advocare for several months before actually ever getting to try the products myself. I was visiting friends in Atlanta and spent the night with Danielle. Of course we did our typical stay-up-until-5-am-talking thing and I had to get up early to drive home the next day. I woke up with a headache like no other and got my things together to head out. As I went to leave she mixed me up some Spark to try on the drive home. Oh my goodness. I could not BELIEVE the energy it gave me! My headache vanished, and I handled the four hour drive with ZERO sleepy issues even though I’d only had a couple hours of sleep. I felt more focused, and well rested! It was LEGIT!!!

Thanks to my results with Spark I ended up doing the modified 24 Day Challenge for nursing moms and, as you know, LOVED my results. Out of ALL the great Advocare products, Spark is def my favorite. I’ve never been big on soda. Never really had a taste for coffee. I am not a big “drinker” at all and struggle with dehydration issues simple b/c I’m NEVER thirsty. I decided to start mixing my daily Spark with a scoop of Rehydrate. The combo really blasts out any headache issues. I used to have 3-5 headaches a week and now I RARELY ever have a single one. Even during times when I “fall off the Advocare lifestyle wagon” I still stick with my Spark

Spark is only 45 calories per serving, is Sugar Free, and is loaded with 21 vitamins and minerals. It not only provides a source of long-lasting energy…but it also gives heightened mental focus and performance. It has about the same amount of caffeine as a small cup of coffee (and if you would rather go caffeine free then you should totally try V16 Energy Drink! Same product as Spark but without the caffeine) but doesn’t give that jittery effect I always get if I drink caffeine products. I’ve NEVER been big on caffeine at all and if I drink coffee I’m up all night and Zach will get this strange twitch in his eye if he drinks it haha. Neither of us have any of those issues with Spark. It gives us our needed boost to get through the day but we can still fall asleep with ease at night. It also doesn’t cause us to have that “crash” afterward like so many other caffeine products do. 

I have my “Spark time” every afternoon while the kids are napping. Between 2:30 and 3:30 I mix up my Rehydrate and Spark combo (I buy the canister sizes of them in the Fruit Punch flavor as it’s the cheapest way to go) with 8 oz of water and 4 ice cubes (yes 4, I have it down to an exact science haha). It’s legit one of my favorite times of the day and I can notice a change in my mental focus and energy level within minutes of drinking it. My lazy browsing through Facebook and Pinterest turns into actually getting junk DONE 😉

Now that I’m not nursing it’s totally okay to drink two Sparks a day (Advocare suggests 2-3 servings a day so if you are really needing a boost I guess you could have three a day but I’ve never tried that!). And I will do that on some occasions. If I’m not feeling well or didn’t get a good nights sleep I will drink a Spark first thing in the morning and it allows me to actually function instead of being “zombie mommy” all day. I don’t like to drink it twice a day too often though as I like to save money whenever possible and drinking it twice a day means I run out twice as fast haha

I’ve had MANY people try Spark and have the same instant love affair with it that I do! Friends have used it to replace their soda habits (MUCH healthier option than soda FOR SURE) and I’ve known some to even use it to replace coffee (if you really love that coffee flavor the Coffeccino may be for you as it’s similar to Spark but in a more coffee taste!). It is included as a part of the 24 Day Challenge but it also something you can purchase on it’s own. There are 8 different flavors to choose from (Fruit Punch is my favorite but I have heard great things about the new Watermelon too…I just haven’t gotten to try it yet!) and you can purchase them in pouches or in the canister (canister works out to be cheaper per serving, I’m all about saving a buck!). 

I know I’ve mentioned the Advocare membership before and it’s such a great way to save some money on all the awesome products, Spark included! You can join the membership for a one time $79 fee then you get 20% off all your products for life and Advocare sends you $50 worth of free products in the mail (including samples of several different Spark flavors so you can try them all!). It’s def a no brainer and the way to go! If you are interested in the membership join it FIRST and then that way you can get your discount! You can join the membership here:

If you’d like to order some Spark you can do so here (you can select in the drop down sections if you want canister or pouches and what flavor you want to get):

I am a person who likes to “try before I buy” whenever possible so I gladly mail out samples of Spark to anyone who hasn’t ever had a chance to try it before! Just send me your name and mailing address on my Facebook page in a private message and I’ll stick some in the mail to you in the next couple of weeks! You can visit my Facebook page here:

I have a un-opened box of a popular Spark flavor, Citrus, and thought it’d be a good time to do a little giveaway! Simply visit my Advocare shop and then leave a comment on this post telling me which products you’d like to try and you could WIN! (The link to my shop is HERE, check out all the awesome stuff Advocare has to offer:

Be sure to include your name and email address so I can contact you if you’re the winner! A winner will be chosen Friday May 31st at 1 PM EST and will be notified via email! This box includes 14 pouches of Citrus Spark and is valued at $22.95!

I’m SO thankful to have been introduced to all of the Advocare products and that Zach and I have developed a healthier lifestyle for our family as a whole. Most of all though I’m thankful for my SPARK! It makes me a better mommy b/c I can get more done and be in a better mood without feeling sluggish and without battling constant headaches. We do a LOT more singing and dancing around our house now thanks to Spark 😉

Can’t wait to see who wins the giveaway and who is pumped to try some of this awesome product!!!!

Emily Parker


  1. Megan DeJesus
    May 23, 2013 / 6:14 pm

    I'm seriously wanting to try some Spark and Advocare multi-vitamins like the CorePlex w/ Iron and OmegaPlex. The only hesitation is that these products aren't cheap!

  2. Danielle Walden Vyrostek
    May 23, 2013 / 6:47 pm

    I am really interested in trying out Spark as well. As a mom to a 2 week old and a 2.5 year old I could def use more energy. I'm just a very picky person and would like to try it before I spend money on it. Hope I win. Email address is

  3. Danielle Eckerle
    May 23, 2013 / 10:42 pm

    Catalyst sounds awesome! But as stated in other comment(s), Advocare is a little pricy. Love to win some spark though so I am entering for sure! 🙂 [EckerleD at gmail dot com]

  4. Anonymous
    May 24, 2013 / 3:32 pm

    google law firm

  5. Kaysie Linahan Redding
    May 25, 2013 / 2:09 am

    I love the spark!!! wish I could afford to drink it everyday!!

  6. M Certikova
    May 27, 2013 / 1:50 am

    The first time I heard about Advocare was at a gym – and I thought it was a gimmick. I keep hearing more about it and am inclined to purchase some Spark and Carb-ease for myself. Thanks. Michelle – michelle.daly12 at

  7. Amber Kanzelmeyer
    May 31, 2013 / 3:24 pm

    I want to win it for my husband he gave up soda and doesn't drink coffee either.

  8. Ayla Fletcher
    May 31, 2013 / 3:25 pm

    I would love to try SleepWorks! No matter how exhausted I am I can never fall to sleep before midnight :(Email address is

  9. brandybeckham
    May 31, 2013 / 3:32 pm

    Hi Emily. I'm interested in the 24 day challenge, but I can't find a lot of info on the ingredients. I'm sure it's on the box, but I don't want to spend that much to read the ingredients. Same with the spark. I'm totally that girl who reads all the box labels at the store before it goes into the cart. I hope I win!

  10. Megan Ray
    May 31, 2013 / 5:56 pm

    Nothing like a last minute entry! I'd be interested in the tropical chews (vitamins) and the pro-biotic restore and omega-plex. Gotta keep up with all the vitamins and nutrients we need! (email

  11. Allison Cochran Burkhead
    May 31, 2013 / 6:11 pm

    I would like to try spark, catalyst, and omegaplex

  12. Megan
    May 31, 2013 / 6:46 pm

    I want to try the mango strawberry spark! 🙂

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