Baby-led Weaning Book

As anyone who reads this blog knows I’ve been seriously stressing about nutrition for Kye. I hate not knowing for sure what is best for him and have been hunting for something to help me.…

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Summary of Month 9

It’s been a BUSY month for Mr. Kye!!! Crib: One afternoon Zach and I were eating lunch or something and we heard Kye bust out laughing on the monitor. We had to go in there…

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Summary of Month 8

This month has been CRAZY with the many, many changes Kye has gone through. I love that every day brings something new!!! It’s such an exciting time in his life! Ball: While at Disney we…

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Nurturing a Healthy Appetite

I’ve blogged about my issues with the confusion of solid foods before and how I was never going to make my own baby food. Well I’m sort of a hypocrite! While I haven’t made actual…

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Finger Foods

This past month we’ve been slowly introducing Kye to some finger foods. Babywise II talks about using finger foods during family dinner time when it doesn’t line up with the baby’s eating time. This has…

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