Vegetables for Kids: The Best Tips to Get Kids to Eat Veggies

Vegetables for Kids: The Best Tip to Get Kids to Eat Veggies Let’s be fully honest here: I don’t like vegetables. Yes, I’m 34 years old and I don’t like vegetables. I wish I did.…

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A Lesson In Portion Control and Serving Size

A lesson in portion control and serving size. Hello! My name is Kristin Bolling. I am a wife, to my high school sweetheart, a mother of 3, (2 of which includes a set of twins),…

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Healthy Kids: Filling in Nutritional Gaps

When it comes to parenting people are passionate about many different things. I’d say most people would consider me to be “hardcore” about Jesus, sleep, and car seat safety. Those are probably my Top 3…

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Spending Smart: Eating out as a Family

When Zach and I made our monthly budget we talked about things that are important to us and where we want to see our money go each month. Eating out is very low on both…

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Britt Summary of Month 14

Britt’s 14th month of life was from Jan 6th through Feb 5th (and yes, just like that I’m caught back up to where I’m typically at! 1 month behind to the day!)   This was…

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