Newborn Photos ~ Family

Kye woke up from nap at 3. So we had about an hour of solo pic time with Tess then we added Kye into the mix! We did a little bit of just Kye and Tess then woke Britt up to include her too. I’ve written before about how successful bribery is with photo sessions…it was hilarious b/c I told Britt she could pick what treat she wanted if she did a good job so the entire time she kept saying “muffins!!!!” She’s really into the “Do You Know The Muffin Man?” song so there was a lot of talk about Mr. Muffin Man too. It kept us all giggling 🙂 I’m so thankful we had these pics done in our home as I can’t imagine trying to load everyone up and go somewhere at that early stage of life! I’m excited for what Lindsay and I have planned for the combo Tess’s 3 month/ Britt 3 year/ Our Christmas Pics session! Huge thanks again to Captured by Colson for giving me my first pictures of my family of FIVE!!!

 My absolute FAVORITE pic of the entire day! I adore Britt’s TRUE happy smile, I love how Kye looks so at ease with two sisters! And, duh, a baby is always cute 😉 

 Typical sibling pics: Good of Kye, not of Britt

 and good of Britt, not of Kye 😉

 Favorite family one 🙂

 We forgot to get a pic of JUST Britt and Tess so it was the last thing we did. And Tess was well over it. And Britt’s love of muffins was wearing thin haha! These make me laugh 😉

 Best we could get…at least Tess looks happy 😉 

You can look back at the family photos from when Britt was born here and the sibling ones here 🙂 

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