My 27th Birthday!

My birthday kinda crept up on me this year. Usually the build up for “the day” is pretty huge and I get pretty pumped. I guess being a busy mom means those days are kinda over for awhile huh? My birthday fell on a Tuesday (the day after Halloween) so Kye didn’t have school. I had to figure out what to do for the day with him to make my birthday fun! I stayed up late the night before cleaning the house and the combo of the house cleaning and trick-or-treating had me wore OUT. It was the night all my leg issues started and I was in a good bit of pain when I woke up. On top of that Kye was in a rather whiney mood. If you have a toddler then you know what I’m talking about and how it can be a day killer. I heavily debated just saying I’d skip my birthday celebration for the day and celebrate it a different day instead…but plans were set so we kept on going ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kye and I decided to have breakfast at Chick-Fil-A and, as always, it didn’t disappoint! I invited Mom to come along and we enjoyed spending a couple of hours eating and watching Kye play on the playground!

with Gramma

After Chick-Fil-A I took Kye to the dollar store and we got all the goodies for his Operation Christmas Child charity as well as some party stuff for my birthday that night. I made it into a BIG deal with him that it was my birthday in hopes that it’d make the day more fun…and it worked ๐Ÿ™‚ We also had swim lessons that day! Zach and I decided to put him in lessons once a week for the month of November just to get him in the water so he could enhance his skills from the summer. I’m hoping we can work it out for him to go back again in Jan for spring swim but Blitzen’s schedule will come first!

We headed home after swim and Kye went down for his nap but then I heard him yell out “I’m all wet!” about 15 min later. I raced in there thinking he’d gone potty and instead he had puked. He’s NEVER done that before but it was all over him as well as his bed. I got him up and cleaned everything up while he puked again in the toilet. He didn’t have a fever or any other symptoms so I think it was just from eating such a big breakfast so close to his 30 min swim session. Oops! Totally my fault ๐Ÿ™

My dad had called me over the weekend and happened to be driving through Valdosta on his way to Melbourne on my actual birthday! He picked us up some Zaxby’s and came to the house to visit with me while Kye napped! It was his first time seeing our house and it made me proud how much he loved it. I knew he’d be super impressed with Zach’s storage shed, and he was! It’s always a good feeling to know you have made your parents proud of you and I feel like Dad is proud of me, the woman/wife/mother I am, and proud of Zach too! It was nice to spend a couple of hours together just the two of us catching up before he had to hit the road again!

Soon after he left Kye woke up and we started getting ready for “Mommy’s Party” that night! Kye and I met Zach at Aligatu for dinner. Usually we do a family birthday celebration then a date night just the two of us but with everything going on we decided to combine the two this year. Next year we’ll go bigger ๐Ÿ˜‰ Kye has been to Aligatu before but he was very young and I wanted him to enjoy it so I tried to explain the whole cooking-in-front-of-us thing. I told him we’d be watching a “show” (term he understands from Disney!) and that the guy would be cooking like Ratatouille. He seemed to semi-understand and really did enjoy it! He wasn’t too sure about all the fire though…which I don’t blame him!

at my birthday dinner

Some of you may remember my Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake from last year and how they misspelled “birthday” haha Zach about DIED when he saw that the same girl is still working there and still does the cake designs. I don’t care how ugly it is…I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could eat it every day for the rest of my life and die fat and happy ๐Ÿ™‚ Here’s a video of Kye and Daddy singing Happy Birthday to me!

team effort in blowing out the candles

present time!

Kye is a great helper when it comes to opening gifts

Zach did a GREAT job on my presents this year! We saw these really great Crocs flip flops on a lady in Hawaii (called sexi flips) and I totally loved them. He actually found them while we were there and bought me both a black pair and a brown pair! Can’t wait to rock them all the time when the weather gets warmer. He also bought me some nice leather black slouchy boots, a Vera Bradley bag to carry my camera in, a cup to use for all my water drinking, a Navy Coach purse and white Coach sunglasses! I’ve been wanting both the navy purse and the sunglasses forever so I was stoked! I also got a bonus gift of another small silver Coach purse b/c Zach won it from an Aflac contest. Score ๐Ÿ™‚

you know you love that pose ๐Ÿ˜‰

After the gift opening it was PARTY TIME! Kye went crazy with the blowers he had picked out earlier in the day. I’m glad we went and bought stuff like that as it made it so fun for him. He was super excited and danced around the kitchen blowing his little whistle ๐Ÿ™‚

Partyin’ Hard!

With my favorite present of all ๐Ÿ˜‰

Zach and I debated about renting a movie for the night but I was in SO much pain at that point that I just wanted to put heating pads on my legs and vege out. I didn’t want the pressure to stay awake for a whole movie so we caught up on some episodes of Survivor. I feel bad that I wasn’t a happier birthday girl but I was really hurting and I didn’t get ANY sleep the night before and continued not to get any sleep for a few more days. Cruddy timing on my birthday!!! I’m thankful to Zach for doing everything he could to make it special for me and I’m excited to spend my 28th birthday not pregnant and instead with two sweet kids!

Every birthday is filled with mulitple celebrations and this one was no different. That Friday night we went out to eat with Katie to celebrate. I picked Red Lobster since 1) I love me some seafood 2) Kye loves the lobsters and 3) Zach loves all you can eat shrimp! We had a great time visiting and she got me the SWEETEST card (and a Target gift card which, duh, I already spent haha).

Had to get some pics together after dinner ๐Ÿ™‚

What is Kye doing?!?!

love this!!!!

our crew!

loves his Daddy

our little family

That next night we went to Seth and Crissy’s after Kye’s nap and had a repeat of our Seafood Fest 2011 at our beach trip! Seth’s birthday is Nov 2nd so we are almost twins and it was fun to celebrate together. We ALWAYS have a blast with them and I hate that we can’t all get together more often. With two more new babies on the way I doubt we’ll be able to do it again for awhile so I really enjoyed that time together. It worked out great that we were able to go over there so early too so we have LOTS of quality Megow time ๐Ÿ˜‰

I also had celebrations at both Mom’s house (where she made this AWESOME chicken pasta dish…so yummy!) and Mrs. Charlotte’s. Both were wonderful celebrations and I am so blessed to have SO many people who want to celebrate the anniversary of my birth with me ๐Ÿ˜‰ Little Mama and Big Daddy came over to Mrs. Charlotte’s to join in that celebration and I wanted to get a good picture of the two of them together. I’m working on Blitzen’s Baby Book and I really, really don’t want ALL the kids pictures of everyone to have Kye in them. My goal is to treat Blitzen as a “first born” the best I can when possible and that means a baby book about BLITZEN not all about KYE! I got an adorable picture of Big Daddy and Little Mama for the baby book…isn’t this precious?!?!?!

While my birthday this year may not have been the happiest day of my life (I mean I did have to go to the hospital the next day for my dumb legs…) I am still so thankful to get to celebrate another year on this earth and am thankful to have such wonderful friends and family to make my life even more joyful!

Emily Parker


  1. Katie1315
    November 23, 2011 / 1:33 am

    You racked up on your b-day! Sounds like a great celebration! I've done a baby book for baby #2 and love it just as ย much as I love having one for my 1st. They are all special!

  2. Danielle B
    November 24, 2011 / 5:03 am

    Not sure what I did differently, but I can comment this time! It hasn't been giving me that option!hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday!! Glad to see the boys spoiled you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Dana Doss
    November 25, 2011 / 4:51 am

    Happy Birthday! You look great! ๐Ÿ™‚

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