Miss Personality

When I got pregnant with Britt I wasn’t sure how a second baby would fit in with our family. My main concern about adding more children to our lives was that I wouldn’t be able to get to KNOW each child as an individual the way I have been able to know Kye. I mean Kye and I had a solid 2 years and 9 months of quality time. Would I ever feel like I know my other children as well as I know him? Even once Britt got here that was still a concern I had. Life with two is a little lot crazier for sure and it takes a special effort to make sure to get quality time with each child. 

I feel that I may not get as much alone time with Britt as I did with Kye at this age, but I def feel like I bond with her and KNOW her. She has developed into her own personality much sooner than I remember with Kye. Maybe it’s because she has an older sibling she tries to copy? Or maybe it’s because I have Kye to compare her too so I notice the things that are “her” since I compare? Or maybe she’s just got a super strong personality that had to be shown to the world at a young age haha. 

People most often now-a-days say she looks like me. I always say “thank you” and then also add “but her personality is ALL her daddy!” It’s SO TRUE. Child is super, super active. She never slows down! She LOVES being the center of attention and LOVES to be funny. She loves to laugh and loves for everyone to always be happy with her. If someone is upset, she gets upset too. I guess she also has her daddy’s compassionate heart 😉 

Kye’s personality may have been developed around this age but it just wasn’t as noticeable as Britt’s b/c he is JUST like me and is very mellow. Haha. I love how different they both are in so many ways and I love watching all the crazy things Britt comes up with. She LOVES to wear the most RANDOM stuff. Shoes are her favorite things for sure. She will run around in panties but insist on wearing shoes. Which is funny b/c I’m not a “shoe girl” at ALL! 

Here are some pictures I took during the month of June that just really portrayed her personality. Hopefully a couple make others smile as much as they do me!

Always bringing out random toys and making games with them!

(hats are a second favorite to shoes for sure)

Such a cutie!

I love that I was wrong in my concerns about knowing my babies as individuals. I for sure feel like I know Britt SO well and that we share our own special bond just like Kye and I share a bond as well. I’m so blessed to have two children who are both so wonderful and amazing in their own ways! I can’t wait to see who they become as they continue to grow up into their own personalities!

Emily Parker

1 Comment

  1. Katie1315
    September 2, 2013 / 10:40 pm

    She is the cutest! Love that one of her in the goggles. Arabelle's personality sounds a lot like Kye's and Bo's sounds like Britt's….I wonder if it's a 1st kid and 2nd kid thing? And it makes me curious to see what Mae will be like!

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