Mother’s Day 2011

Our tradition is to celebrate Father’s Day and Mother’s Day as a little family the day prior to the actual holiday. That way we have a full, uninterrupted Saturday to make plans, and can spend the real day with our moms and dads 😉 This year Zach wanted me to be involved with the planning since I’m pregnant and, at the time, I wasn’t big on food.

Originally we planned to get up together and all go to Home Depot for the Kid’s Workshop. Instead I asked Zach if I could sleep-in. It was HEAVEN! What was even better was when my two guys surprised me with breakfast in bed. To top it off, Zach took some pics of them preparing it for me.

Kye learning to make Daddy’s famous pancakes

Such sweet guys I have!!!

Doesn’t he look so stinking old here?

taste testing

After we enjoyed breakfast in bed together, they headed out to Home Depot to make a special present for me. They hadn’t ever been to the Home Depot one, and they won’t be going back. Zach said it wasn’t half as well organized or put together as Lowe’s. But, hey, it’s good to know!

finished product! (a little planter, the picture showed it painted so we were mildly disappointed with it!)

While they were at Home Depot, I got ready and on their way home they picked up lunch for us so we could go down to the park as a family and eat lunch. It was so pretty out and Kye really enjoys picnics! We stayed for almost two hours and just enjoyed eating, playing on the playground, and meeting some new neighbors.

No worries, I got my sub toasted to heat up the deli meat 🙂

(I’m wearing the fabulous Turquoise Sea Necklace, now on sale!, and Turquoise Sea Drop Earrings)

Kye’s new favorite thing to do while swinging is to give us his loudest “ROAR!!!”


He entertained everyone at the park with his trash can banging beats and dances…

Should have tried to get a picture together before eating and playing

Zach cracks me up because when he takes pictures he doesn’t worry about what’s in the picture…in this one, for example, there’s a white trash bag on the table and Kye’s ugly cup sitting with us. Zach said “You can crop it out!” It is so funny to me b/c he honestly thinks you can just “crop out” anything and everything. Um no. I’m not some photoshop master here!

During Kye’s nap I rested some more and blogged while Zach finally had his first laying out session in our pool! He rolled his shorts up super short to get some sun on his legs and won’t be doing that again…his thighs were burned for WEEKS.

After nap it was present time! Zach taught Kye to say “Happy Mother’s Day” and he was so cute by waking me up that morning saying it and continued to say it throughout the day. Here‘s a video 🙂

Zach LOVES to make home-made cards. He’s been doing it for me every Mother’s Day and has snuck a few in during other holidays too. He is always so proud of them and it’s pretty adorable that he puts so much thought and effort into it. Here’s my card this year:

It says: “We love you mommy, you are the best. We know at times we make you stressed. We love you more than you can know. You help us learn, you helps us grow. You have raised me up since my birth, you are the best mommy on plant earth!” Plus Zach also wrote a sweet message and had Kye “sign it.” (For Mom’s card I let Kye go to TOWN on it but Zach said he barely let Kye color any on my card b/c he didn’t want to mess it up haha).

I didn’t have any expectations for a gift this year…I told Zach that I didn’t want a massage b/c we’d be getting them in Bermuda (or at least I thought we would…). Other than that I really didn’t have something specific I wanted or even hoped for! One day I jokingly told Kye to buy me diamonds and Daddy took it seriously…

Because I got a beautiful diamond necklace from Steel’s!
It matches my wedding ring so perfectly, I love it!

What made it even more special was that Kye went with Zach to pick it out and will point to it all the time and say “mommy’s present.” So sweet!

That night we took it easy and Zach brought home Zaxby’s and we rented The Fighter. At least…we think that’s what we did. We’ve both tried to remember and neither one of us can!!!

On Sunday Mom came over and we all went to church together. It was wonderful to be in the same town on Mother’s Day and that we got to spend our day celebrating together (we celebrated with Mrs. Charlotte earlier in the week because Casey and Courtney would be out of town that weekend)! It was a first for us, but def. not the last!

This is my ALL TIME favorite picture of Kye and me!!!!

It takes a TON of effort to get a family picture with just one kid…I wonder if we’ll ever get good ones of all of us once we have two???

tough to pick a favorite, I like them all!

After Kye got up from his nap Mom came back over and we had a great time swimming as a family then eating pizza together! It was a great, casual, day and we both loved it! She especially loved her gifts…a Lowe’s giftcard (to buy paint for her house), a coupon good for a “family day” where we help her paint a room of her choosing (she picked the master bedroom…the gray we had in there just isn’t her style!) and the cute stepping stone “Kye” made for her (instructions are HERE!).

Hard to believe it’s my third Mother’s Day as a mom!!! (You can read Mother’s Day #1 here, and Mother’s Day #2 here). Zach and Kye did a wonderful job letting me know how much I’m loved and appreciated. I am so blessed to be a mommy!!!

Emily Parker

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