Mommy or Daddy’s Girl?

I am SO thankful my mama took so, so many pictures of me growing up! I love looking through the ones I have and it’s so neat to compare them to the kids 🙂 There are some of me where I can see a lot of Britt’s features and I thought it’d be fun to compare a few and see what others think! Who doesn’t love some old school baby photos, right?

Reading with my Daddy

With Buffy, our family dog growing up!
(I love that I have this same chair in our guest room now!)

Profile view!

Serious face 🙂

Thanks Rach for this one 🙂 

Disney Girl from the START!

Making a goofy face 😉

While Mrs. Charlotte didn’t take as many photos of Zach growing up, I do treasure the ones we have and can see SO MUCH of Britt in him!!! Especially that mouth 🙂 And how it’s ALWAYS open haha!

When I found this one I totally think if I photoshopped some longer hair on him it would look just like Britt, don’t you?

People are constantly telling us conflicting things about who our kids look like. I get equal amounts of “Kye looks just like his mama” as I do “Kye looks just like his daddy!” And the same is true for Britt. I hear she looks like me, I hear she looks like Zach. I think maybe it’s because Zach and I do share several similar features? Whatever the reason, I like that our kids don’t look EXACTLY like either of us! I like that they are BRITT and KYE and are a blend of us both while still being uniquely them!

Who do you think Britt favors more at this age?

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