Last Beach Day!

When we go on our St Augustine trip we typically stay 4-5 nights. Which usually means it’s our longest vacation as a family for the year. It’s also our most expensive! Not due to actual costs while on the trip, but there just aren’t cheap, large sized places to stay in St Augustine! So we spend a good bit on booking the room. Luckily I’ve always been able to pay a little each month towards our stay with the hotel we’ve always stayed at…interested to see how that works out with the big switch next year!

Our last full day at the beach we started off like every other morning: a little car racing followed by free breakfast 🙂

Then we hit the beach!

Britt was fascinated with the water and just wanted to fill up buckets with it, bring it to shore, then dump the bucket and go refill it again! 

Kye ended up writing the entire alphabet in the sand 🙂

For this day I left the water shoes in the room and instead wore some Sketchers thick flip flops I had bought back when I was pregnant with Britt and we took Kye on his first Disney trip. I’m SO glad I bought those shoes! I haven’t worn them at all since that Disney trip (they are NOT cute) but now they are my only flip flops I can wear. They are so thick and provide a great cushion for my foot! They worked MUCH better for the beach for sure!

Shocker: I spent most of my morning playing with Britt in the water 🙂 She just loved me being there with her as we jumped waves, crawled on the sand, and pretended to be different animals. 

We also did something that I always LOVED to do as a kid: we hunted sea shells. Britt didn’t have a whole lot of interest in the activity, but Kye and I had a BLAST. We collected a bunch of them and Kye decided we’d use some to make a frame once we got home and we also found a bunch with holes in them to put on string to make necklaces. It was really, really fun 🙂 

Britt decided she needed some alone time haha. It cracked us up! She went up to the beach tent and sat in her chair, not facing us, and drank her water 😉

Zach’s favorite thing at the beach is sand castle building 🙂


Sweetest moment! 🙂

We all loved the beach, but Britt especially loved it. We are now two months out from when we took this trip and MULTIPLE times a day Britt asks when we can go back to the “pool and beach.” She honestly loved it more than Disney World I think (which you know breaks my heart to admit haha). We have actually decided to make a mini beach trip in October so Leo can see the beach and so Britt can get another beach fix 😉 Child just LOVED it! When I ask her what she loves the most about the beach she says “the ocean” Maybe her name should have been Kye instead (Kye/Kai means “ocean” in Hawaiian). 

After the beach we hit the pool. We took our time and let the kids be late going down for nap. It was our last day and I just wanted to ENJOY IT! When we were drying off a family of four siblings came down to play in the pool. There were two brothers and two sisters and the youngest was probably 7 or 8. As we watched them my heart filled so full I could have cried! I constantly think about when the time comes that we are done having babies. How sad I will be to never carry a baby in my womb. Or snuggle a newborn. Or enjoy all the milestones as they grow. But seeing those older kids together I had a moment of clarity. There will still be SO MUCH JOY as our children grow up. I realized right then that my heart WILL be full and I will feel a sense of completion for our family if we are blessed with two of each and four children total. It was just perfection to me. I loved seeing them play and enjoy each other and I can’t wait to see our children grow up as friends like that!

The pool is a little walk from our hotel so we took the car and let Kye drive it back for us 😉 

Both kids had an awesome nap and we had a chill afternoon after they woke up. We relaxed and watched a movie while Daddy made our grand finale dinner!

Reading through the room info book

Where a man belongs hahahaha

Britt helped set the table!

Had to end the trip with breakfast for dinner…we never make waffles at home so we always enjoy doing them on vacation as a treat!

Zach opted for BACON over waffles 😉

Our bedroom had a guest book sitting on the table and Kye noticed it and asked if he could write in it at the end of our trip. I let him say whatever he wanted to say and he wrote it the next morning as we were loading up!

“We are the best family ever. I love you mom and dad, me, and Britt”

We had a FABULOUS trip. It was seriously beyond amazing. I loved all the moments together with my sweet family and especially enjoyed the downtime with Zach. We stay pretty “unplugged” when we travel which is really nice. We just focus on each other and our connection. I know as we add more kids, we will have to take less solo trips. It’s a LOT to ask people to keep three kids! But I’m SO thankful for our schedules. Early bed times for the kids mean PLENTY of together time for Zach and I and we really do always feel refreshed and renewed after our vacations 🙂 

Goodbye Camachee Inn! We will miss you and we thank you for the years of great memories!

Emily Parker

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