Kye’s 4th Birthday Party!

We had Kye’s 4th Birthday Party on Saturday March 2nd at 3:30 (my favorite time to host a party!). Up until now Kye’s parties have always been BIG events. I would send out over 40 invites and felt like I “had to” invite so many people. When Britt’s party ended up being so small, we ALL loved it. Why do I sit there and invite a MILLION people to his party? Because I worry about feelings being hurt. About someone feeling left out or not included. Um. That’s NOT a good reason haha. It’s HIS party and it should be about HIS friends. Cutting down on the numbers was awesome. I had SO much more money available in the budget. It was WAY easier to plan and put it all together. Of course I did get some past people we have invited contacting me about their feelings being hurt, and I felt awful. But overall I’m glad we made this move and I plan to continue the “small party” trend (which btw, our “small party” isn’t that small…I think we still had close to 30 people total haha). Kye picked what friends he wanted to invite and it worked out great! He was SO happy that everyone could be there to celebrate with him!!!

Of course our little family all coordinated to match the party colors! Duh 😉 Britt wore her Christmas dress as I thought it made for a cute “Dalmatian” look. And I’m wearing pants from HIGH SCHOOL. Yup…super pumped!

Just like at Britt’s party I paid to have someone take pictures for us. This time it was two sweet sisters from our church, Kady and Peyton.  They did a GREAT job and I LOVE how many awesome pictures we have from the day! 

They smiled so cute for the picture then Kye immediately went into “party mode” haha

The kids LOVED watching Kye’s birthday slideshow. They all kept looking for themselves and pointing to the screen!

This was the first year I didn’t do a personalized shirt for Kye’s party. I think as I become more into “smart spending” I just change my perception on things. Why spend $20 on a shirt that he can’t really ever wear again when I can spend $7 on one he can wear multiple times? I found this shirt at Kohl’s and with a coupon paid even less than $7 I think 🙂 He loved it and it fit the party perfectly!!!

They were dying to paint but we had them hold out until more guests arrived!

We quickly made it a rule NOT to spray the fire extinguishers inside!

Megow girls are serious about their painting 😉

I love how into it Aubrey is!

I LOVE not having to be the one taking pictures! I get to sit back, enjoy the party and actually BE in some of the pictures too 🙂

I’m super glad we decided to do the car mat…it was a BIG HIT 🙂

Of course the food was an even bigger hit though 😉

Haha this face makes me laugh out loud…I wonder what Lorelai is thinking?!?!

Kye and Kailyn are SO cute together! They really do adore each other!

Those Megows know how to make it work! They made a little family picnic spot in the kitchen, love it! 

Britt was pretty clingy throughout the whole party so I just carried her around and fed her little snacks!

I never ventured outside in the cold but the kids did NOT let the cold weather stop them from doing their fire chief duties and spraying the flames with their extinguishers!

Hahaha these are more that makes me laugh…I should have like a caption contest for these pictures!

This is a straight UP Rusty Parker face! 

Ready for CAKE!!!

When Kye decided on a firetruck theme for his birthday he kept saying that he wanted a pink firetruck cake. While I’m ALL about spoiling people on their birthdays and trying to give them everything they want…I wasn’t willing to compromise that far 😉 So instead we surprised him with pink ice cream! I doubt all the party guests really LOVED the strawberry flavor, but it made our little boy so excited to have his favorite color at his party 🙂

As usual I saved presents as the very last thing. And I told everyone that they did not HAVE to come watch. Since it was so stinkin’ cold outside most of the party guests did end up coming in to partake in the present opening. Yall know this is my very least favorite part of any party haha. Thankfully since we did such a smaller gathering we had WAY less kids (only nine big kids total) and it wasn’t nearly as crazy as usual. 

Britt was SO into it and Kye was really sweet about including her even though we kept telling her it was HIS party and HIS presents!

I kinda did the whole baby shower thing where you hold up each gift and let everyone say “awww”

What can I say, family games get me CRUNK!

We’ve never watched this popular Jake and the Neverland Pirates show (we don’t do tv in our house, movies only) but Kye LOVES Peter Pan so I got super excited when making his wishlist that they are bringing Peter Pan back in a lot of toys and many of them don’t even include the Jake character! Kye was super excited about it all too and picked out several Peter Pan items to put on his list!

I was very proud at how Kye made sure to STOP and read EACH card prior to opening

All of these pictures of us together really make me think Kye looks like me!

Thanking everyone for coming and for his presents

Tell me they are not ADORABLE!!!

My job at the end of each party is to kinda man the door. That way I can be sure to have a personal moment with each guest and thank them for coming etc. Also it’s a good way to make sure everyone takes their party favor. At this party each big kid got to keep their hat, fire extinguisher, color page, painted truck, and hydrant cup. Kinda a lot of stuff to make sure everyone took home! I am SO glad one of the girls snapped this picture haha. Poor Seth was trying to round up all of their stuff (hello…they had THREE big kids in their crew!) and I was totally stressing him out 😉

Big Papa was all about getting some pictures after the party was over! I realized when I edited them all that we don’t have ANY with Mrs. Charlotte in them though 🙁

Kye had a BLAST! It’s so awesome that he’s at an age where he truly enjoys his party and appreciates each element of it (well…he may not really appreciate the decorations and stuff…but he sure does the FOOD!). It makes it even more fun for me to work on all of the party details knowing how much happiness it will bring him. I love my fireman!

After the party ended we just kept it going strong 😉 Kye really wanted the family to stay after so we got pizza and all just hung out. It was nice to decompress and just be with our small crew. Courtney, Brad, Casey, Jordan, Colt and Payton all stayed and just visited and played with Kye and Britt! 

Another wonderful party is in the books! Since we had tornados last year and super cold weather this year I’m interested to see what Mother Nature will throw our way next year 😉 I have learned to ALWAYS have an indoor back up plan when planning a lot of things outside! I’m always thankful for Plan B as so often it becomes Plan A 😉

If you want more details about the party food, decorations, activities, and crafts you can read my post all about it HERE!

You can also go back and see Kye’s past party fun here:

3rd Birthday Party

2nd Birthday Party

1st Birthday Party

I try to always include who all attended each party so my kids can remember someday: Mr. Rusty, Mrs. Charlotte, Courtney, Brad, Colt, Payton, Casey, Jordan, Mema, Jolee, Trey, Steven, Debbie, Robyn, Matt, Lorelai, Cooper, Seth, Crissy, Stevie, Neela, Titus, Olive, Kori, Aubrey, Jessica, Kailyn, Peyton and Kady.

Thank you to EVERYONE who made my sweet boys day so special!!! It really meant the WORLD to me and to him as well to be surrounded by so many people who love us and who we are so blessed to have as a part of our lives!


  1. Crissy Megow
    April 16, 2013 / 6:30 pm

    OMGosh, his "cake face" is hilarious! he is even licking his lips, love it 🙂

  2. Katie Roberts
    April 16, 2013 / 6:35 pm

    Looks like a great party! The fire truck theme was so cute! Just curious, why no Disney shows, but y'all do Disney movies? I am not asking to be judgemental…just curious! We don't do any shows with commercials, so only PBS and select Disney shows (Jake & the Neverland Pirates is a favorite!) and they are all from the DVR.

  3. Bobbi
    April 16, 2013 / 7:37 pm

    You did a great job, my goodness that was really creative and you can see in his eyes Kye had a wonderful day.

  4. Robyn Mullican
    April 30, 2013 / 8:35 pm

    I really really thought the theme this year was adorable. And Kye looked SO HAPPY!

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